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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2012

Valentina Rujoiu
Editorial: Cultura violenţei sau violenţa cultivată?

Evoluţia societăţii din perspectivă culturală, politică, tehnologică şi stiinţifică determină cristalizarea şi sedimentarea unor circumsta... [Abstract]
Valentina Rujoiu
The Culture of Violence or Cultivated Violence?

The evolution of society in terms of cultural, political, technological and scientific perspectives causes crystallization and sedimentation of certai... [Abstract]
Ecaterina Morar
The Ambivalent Nature of Human Aggressiveness

The author analyses the theme of aggressiveness starting from the ascertainment that this phenomenon has been explored ever more often under the impac... [Abstract]
Mihai Ion Micle, Gabriel Oancea, Doina Ştefana Săucan
Factors Related with Abuse Against Delinquent Juveniles

This article provides in a concise manner some basic concepts related with different kinds of abuse presented as they were described in literature. Ou... [Abstract]
Oana Pirneci
Intervention Programs for Children Victims of Violence

At the international level, there has already been reached an agreement regarding the necessity of developing evidence-based intervention programs, in... [Abstract]
Eliza Moraru
Childhood Abuse Experience. The Effects on a Child’s Personality and the Role of the Social Support

Assuming that child abuse within the family is a social problem Romania is facing, the present article analyzes the forms of manifestation of this phe... [Abstract]
Oana Maria Pintrinjel
The Child: At the Border Between Abusive Family and Quality of Human Life

Violence has experienced a large proportion of distribution and family environment, contrary to its function of ensuring the protection and safety for... [Abstract]
Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Patricia Luciana Runcan
The Potential Use of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) to Analyze Children’s Perceptions of Maltreating Families

Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) refers to the use of computer software to aid qualitative research. Literature describes... [Abstract]
Raluca Alexandra Enescu
School Violence: Prevention, Causes and Consequences

School violence is a common problem that predicts serious maladjustment, being in the center interest of many researches. In order to better understan... [Abstract]
Simona Bodogai
Prevention and Intervention in Cases of Abuse

Unfortunately, we encounter increasingly frequent cases of abuse towards the elderly. Unlike child abuse, the abuse towards the elderly seems a much n... [Abstract]
Venera Margareta Bucur
Forms of Elder Maltreatment

Image depreciation of the elder leads to the erosion of his authority in the family and in the society environment. Because of the imbalance of power ... [Abstract]
Adrian Păşcuţă
Violence in Gypsy Families

The domestic violence is a negative phenomenon that is affecting many Gypsy families from Romania. This paper presents a qualitative research through ... [Abstract]
Ana-Maria Beldiman
The Couple in a Relationship Crisis. The Road from “Creation” to Conflict

It has been written and it will still be written in many books about couple relationships. They have always represented a source of inspiration for ma... [Abstract]
Maria Stoleru, Agnes Dávid-Kacsó, Imola Antal
The Approach of Domestic Violence by the Criminal Justice System in Romania

The approach of the domestic violence phenomenon by the criminal justice system is seldom the subject of research in Romania. The results of our resea... [Abstract]
Ella Luisa Bogeanu
The Role of Social Services in the Context of Intimate Violence

Violence has always been present between people, within families or communities, in some societies being actually seen as normal behavior. Violence ha... [Abstract]
Cristina Oprea
Why Don’t Abused Women Acces Social Services of Support

Intimate partner violence is at the same time a current and old problem that women face regardless of their age, education, social or economical backg... [Abstract]
Cristina Geană
A Current Approach to Women’s Sexual Health: The Problems of Cervical Cancer in Romania

The relevance of a study on cervical cancer derives mainly from the fact that it allows not only a strictly medical approach, but also a social one, w... [Abstract]
Ana Maria Marhan
Violenţa în familie. Între percepţie socială şi asumare individuală [Family Violence. Between Social Perception and Individual Responsibility]

Violenţa în familie: o temă care bulversează, şochează, ridică multiple întrebări, îndeamnă la atentă reflecţie. Probabil nu întâmplăt... [Abstract]
Valentina Gherunda
Comunicare interpersonală în asistenţă socială [Interpersonal Communication in Social Work]

Autoarea, lector doctor la Universitatea din Bucureşti, precizează de la început importanţa domeniului de care se ocupă. „Comunicarea interpers... [Abstract]

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