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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 4 > The Child: At the Border Between Abusive Family and Quality of Human Life

 The Child: At the Border Between Abusive Family and Quality of Human Life

  • Oana Maria Pintrinjel (Tutor at International Foundation for Child and Family, Occidentului Street no. 44, District 1, E-mail:

Violence has experienced a large proportion of distribution and family environment, contrary to its function of ensuring the protection and safety for the newborn, turned in some cases a generator for aggression, perpetuated among the generations. This article presents both the theoretical phenomenon of child abuse in the family, by the specific theories and the forms it can take, and also a warning about the consequences of abuse to the child`s biopsychosocial development branch. We are interested, in particular, and parental functions exercised healthy, child welfare, as to which a part of this article will also focus on issues that present risk but also on those that can compensate the disturbance factors of the family balance, feature that may be responsible for the occurrence of violence for its chronicity, one of the victims being the child. As an additional argument, but also as a necessity of awareness for the magnitude of the phenomenon, the last part of this article will include a study, performed on five cases of child abuse, which reveals a congruence of theories with the real manifestation of abuse in the natural environment of the child, along with many implications for human development, but also with an important social support to meet the trauma suffered by abused children.

Keywords: child abuse, human development, parenting, study research