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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2014 > Numar: 1

Revista de Asistență Socială: 1 / 2014

Georgiana-Cristina Rentea (Anton)

The international literature (Cree, Davis 2007; Adams, Dominelli, Payne 2009; Melville, Harrison 2010; Payne 2011 – in Romanian) confirms the preocc... [Abstract]
Ľuba Pavelová
Community Work or Community Social Work?

Community social work is the youngest method of social work and is one of the tools and solution forms of (mostly) adverse social situation of larger ... [Abstract]
Claudia Oşvat, Cristiana Marc, Judit Makai-Dimeny
Group Supervision in Social Work. A Model of Intervention for Practitioners

It is well established that employees of all professions can be affected by stress at work that can lead to burnout, but this problem occurs especiall... [Abstract]
Andrei Mihail Nartea
Accesul la servicii comunitare de asistenţă socială Studiu calitativ al serviciilor de protecţie a copilului, la nivel comunitar [The Access to Community Administered Social Work Services A Qualitative Study of Residential Child Care Services]

The Romanian Social Work System is still far from being fully functional. The main themes associated with the problems within the system are lack of f... [Abstract]
Mihaela Ştefan
Familia modernă – despre provocările modernităţii în educaţie, servicii sociale şi familie [Today’s Family – Modern Times’ Challenging in Education, Social Services and Family Units]

The study examines the modern family functions and role of day centers and social programs in the performance of education and socialization of the fa... [Abstract]
Patricia Luciana Runcan , Cosmin Goian
Parenting Practices and the Development of Trait Emotional Intelligence: A Study on Romanian Senior High Schoolers

Nothing of what a parent invests in his/her child/children is ever lost. Such an investment is forever and extremely valuable. In most life cases, it ... [Abstract]
Ioana Boldiş , Patrick Tomlinson
Reunification of the Children from Foster Care with the Biological Families A Short Investigation regarding Romanian Biological Parents’ Characteristics

The actual trend in child protection area is to keep the children in the system for the shortest time as possible. Reunification with the biological f... [Abstract]
Liora Kordero Jan, Livia Popescu
From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in both Social Work and Nursing Practice

A significant portion of Social Work and Nursing students' learning experiences involves practice in clinical settings. Clinical settings provide oppo... [Abstract]
Valentina Rujoiu, Octavian Rujoiu
The Medical Approach on Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: Romanian Physicians’ Perspective. A Qualitative Analysis

This paper presents an analysis of seven in-depth interviews conducted with Romanian healthcare practitioners (six physicians specializing in obstetri... [Abstract]
Elena Stuparu , Luminiţa Mihai
Miturile psihiatrice – Despre credinţe, convingeri şi speranţă în tulburările psihotice [Psychiatric Myths – About Faiths, Beliefs and Hopes in Psychotic Disorders]

The psychiatric myths and especially those related to schizophrenia can negatively influence the therapeutic approach and the course of the person suf... [Abstract]
Emanuel Adrian Sârbu
Grupurile online de suport pentru suicidari. Avantaje şi limite terapeutice [The Online Support Groups for Suicidals. Advantages and Therapeutical Limits]

The inner need to communicate with others about one's moods, feelings, emotions, after experiencing a major traumatic experience, can be perceived as ... [Abstract]
Daniela Gaba
The HIV Response in regard to People who Inject Drugs: Intricacies and Challenges

In recent years there has been a significant decrease of newly infections with HIV accompanied by an increase in improved specialized health care for ... [Abstract]
Crina Teodora Din
The Role of Drug Consumption Rooms in HIV Prevention

In this moment, Romania is facing a new epidemiological wave of HIV infections. If in 2008 there were just three confirmed cases with HIV infection, i... [Abstract]
Rebeca Scorcia-Popescu
Grupul şi comportamentul delincvenţial în activitatea de probaţiune, perioada 2008-2012 [Group and Delinquency Behavior in Probation Activity/Work, between 2008-2012]

The present paper analyze how the offenders from Probation Services have been influenced by the group of friends in order to adopt delinquency behavio... [Abstract]
Cristina Ilie
Întreruperea ciclului de activităţi ilicite prin mentoratul semenilor – de la egal la egal [Breaking the Cycle of Offending through Peer Mentoring]

The in-prison mentoring is an art in balancing techniques: participants are being challenged to reflect critically on their personal responsibilities ... [Abstract]
Alina Maria Severin
Stresul la consilierii de probaţiune [Probation Counselors Stress]

The probation service has emerged from the need to decrease the negative effects of deprivation of liberty, like: dropping of the community, loss of c... [Abstract]
Laura-Maria Radu , Georgiana-Cristina Rentea
Experienţe ale integrării locative a Imigranţilor în România [Housing Integration Experiences of Immigrants in Romania]

The access of immigrants to housing and their living conditions represent important issues concerning their integration in the host society. In Romani... [Abstract]
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru
Human Trafficking – A Phenomenon with Multiple Ramifications [Romania and Switzerland in the Fight against Trafficking]

Human trafficking is a global phenomenon, which affects all the countries in the world. The mechanism of human trafficking is a simple one: demand and... [Abstract]
Maria Lorena Ţăruş
Book review: Structural Funds in the Consortium Universitaria - Geta Mitrea - University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Publisher, 2013, 290 p

The current Romanian and European context involves changes on all levels, often diametrically opposed from period to period. The fact that the Romania... [Abstract]

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