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Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2010

Maria Roth, Cristina Baciu
Editorial nr. 2 / 2010

Promovarea sănătăţii mentale prin asistenţa socială clinică Asistenţa socială clinică are ca misiune bunăstarea mentală, emoţio... [Abstract]
Maria Roth, Cristina Baciu
Editorial no. 2/2010

Promoting Mental Health through Clinical Social Work The mission of clinical social work is to achieve mental, emotional and social well-bei... [Abstract]
Johannes Herwig-Lempp
Puterea asistentelor sociale de a transforma posibilitatea în realitate [The Power of Social Workers to Transform Possibility into Reality]

Social Workers do have power – although they themselves often have a different point of view. However, it is the readiness to perceive power as a to... [Abstract]
Johannes Herwig-Lempp
Munca socială sistemică – o introducere [Systemic Social Work – A Introduction]

From social work to systemic therapy and back: social work is in its basics systemic. Not only many mothers and fathers of family therapy come origina... [Abstract]
Mihaela Gotea
Reţelele sociale şi importanţa lor în asistenţa socială [Social Networks and their Importance in Social Work]

Each social network is typically composed of family members as well as nonfamily members such as friends, coworkers, neighbors and so on. Personal rel... [Abstract]
Betty Blythe, Kristin Heffernan, Barbara Walters
Best Practices for Developing Child Protection Workers’ Skills: Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health Training

Families seen by child welfare agencies often experience mental health, substance abuse and domestic violence problems in addition to child abuse. Man... [Abstract]
Enikő Albert-Lőrincz
Promovarea sănătăţii mintale şi supervizarea: condiţii de bază ale profesionalizării muncii asistenţilor sociali în relaţia lor cu benficiarii [Promoting Mental Health and Supervision: the Basics of Professional Social Work in Relation with Clients]

The paper is built on the idea that mental health issues are paramount for professionalizing social work. The concern for social worker’s mental hea... [Abstract]
Kathryn Conley Wehrmann
Participation in Social Advocacy: How a Professional Association Can Help Social Workers Meet Their Ethical Obligation

A social work educator and former National Association of Social Workers state chapter president provides a perspective on involvement in social advoc... [Abstract]
Antal Imola
Aspecte privind excluderea socială şi ocupaţională a persoanelor cu probleme cronice de sănătate mentală [Aspects of Social and Vocational Exclusion Regarding Adults with Chronic Mental Health Problems]

The social exclusion of adults with chronic mental health problems acts in all the major domains of life: employment, housing, income, education as we... [Abstract]
Jack R. Friedman
”Cazul social” Boală, psihiatrie şi dezinstituţionalizare în România postsocialistă [The "Social Case". Illness, Psychiatry, and Deinstitutionalization in Postsocialist Romania]

In this article, I examine the use of an ad hoc medical category – the “social case” – by psychiatrists in contemporary Romania. “Social cas... [Abstract]
Ana Muntean, Violeta Stan, Mihaela Tomiţă, Roxana Ungureanu
Succesul unei adopţii: studiu de caz [Succesful Adoption: a Case Study]

The national and international adoptions are the ‘great solutions” for the physical and mental health of the abandoned or orphan child.The adoptio... [Abstract]
Judith L. M. McCoyd
A Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment of Maternal Attachment in Pregnancy and Fetal Loss

Social workers assist women of child-bearing age in a wide variety of settings. Although pregnancy and pregnancy loss are often associated with medica... [Abstract]
Shari Munch, Judy Levick
“I’m Special, Too”: Promoting Sibling Adjustment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Sisters and brothers of newborns hospitalized in neonatal intensive care units experience unique thoughts and emotions in response to this situational... [Abstract]
Elena Iulia Holeab (Mardare)
Stresul şi evaluarea riscului psihosocial în asistenţa socială clinică a bolnavilor cardiaci internaţi în spital [Stress and Psychosocial Risk Assessment in Clinical Social Work in Cardiac Patients Admitted to Hospital]

There is some research that explores effective psychosocial interventions such as clinical social work, counseling individuals and families in conditi... [Abstract]
Csaba L. Dégi
Influenţa necunoaşterii diagnosticului tumoral asupra stării psihosociale a pacientului [Effects of Cancer Diagnosis non-Disclosure on Patients’ Psychosocial Status]

Objectives: Recent psychooncological literature evidences the multiple traumatic effects of cancer diagnosis disclosure but only few studies are conce... [Abstract]
Dinu Hanibal Dumitraşcu
Consilierea comportamentelor umane suicidare [Counseling Suicidal Human Behaviors]

Suicide is one of the expressions of the limit of human behavior present in all historical periods and in all cultures. Existential crisis, unable to ... [Abstract]
Paula Cristina Nicoară, Adina Rebeleanu
Îmbinarea modalităţilor directe şi indirecte de asistare în managementul de caz [Combination of Direct and Indirect Activities in Case Management]

This paper presents a case study - approached from the perspective of the case management. The client is a family whose child was diagnosed with acute... [Abstract]
Claudia Oşvat
Modalităţi de intervenţie în asistarea socială a familiilor copiilor cu dizabilităţi neuro-psiho-motorii [Methods of Social Intervention in Families of Children with Neuro-Psychomotor Disabilities]

The experience of raising and looking after a child with neuro-psychomotor disabilities is one that creates continuous stress that will have an impact... [Abstract]
Sorina Poledna, Nicoleta Golea, Mihai-Bogdan Iovu
Corelate familiale şi comunitare ale violenţei şcolare. Studiu exploratoriu [Family and Community Correlates of the School Violence. An Exploratory Study]

Objective: exploring the dimensions that describe students’ perceptions over the violence; identifying the variables from the family, school, and co... [Abstract]
Dana Paula Brăescu
Practica bazată pe dovezi în asistenţa socială [Evidence Based Practice in Social Work]

This article evidences that the application of theory in practice is undoubtedly difficult and a constant effort is needed in order to understand the ... [Abstract]
Ecaterina Porumb
Cum să vorbesc despre “EU” într-o mare mulţime de “NOI”? Formarea identităţii la tinerii din centrele de plasament [How can I Define “Myself” within a Crowd of “Ourselves”? Identity Formation by Youngsters in Residential Care]

In Childhood and Society (1965), Erik Erikson describes adolescence as an identity formation phase. The child reaches adolescence with a long history ... [Abstract]
Monica Ghiţiu, Ioana Bumb
Relaţia dintre suportul social şi ataşamentul faţă de copil în cazul mamelor adolescente [The Relationship between Social Support and the Teen Mother’s Attachment to their Child]

From the first days of his life, the child’s attachment relationships prove themselves to be very important for the accurate cognitive, emotional, b... [Abstract]
Maria Roth
Book review: I.K. Berg, T. Steiner, Centrarea pe soluţii, aplicată la copii [Children’s Solution Work], 2003

Una dintre terapiile de scurtă durată cu relevanţă în ameliorarea problemelor de viaţă ale unor clienţi de vârste, statusuri sociale, structu... [Abstract]
Anamaria Szabo
Book review: Earl Bebbie, Practica cercetării sociale [The Practice of Social Research], Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2010

Prima ediţie a lucrării lui Earl Babbie, The Practice of Social Research (în traducere – Practica cercetării sociale), a fost publicată de căt... [Abstract]

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