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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Articles by keyword: Romania

Social Enterprise and the Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study Of Romania’s “Pentru Voi Fundatia”
Robin L. Ersing, Diane N. Loeffler, Martin B. Tracy, Laila Onu

Roma Minority Social Status. Regional study
Florin Buhuceanu

Education for Roma and Teaching Roma Language
Gheorghe Sarău

European Union Involvement in Developing the Romanian Society
Jonathan Scheele

Social Solidarity, the key principle of the Law No 116/2002
Marian Sârbu

Preventing and Combating Social Marginalisation
Hildegard Puwak

Action plan for Implementing Law No 116/2002 for Preventing and Combating the Social Marginalisation
Dumitru Călinoiu

People We Care About
Elena Dumitru

Child Protection NGO and Public Services Partnership
Ana Rădulescu, Lucian Polexe

USAID programs in Romania
Lucia Corell

ANPCA, Partner in Implementing ChildNet Program in Romania
Gabriela Coman

ChildNet Program: Objectives, Partners, Results
William Saur

First National Conference for Social Workers in Romania, Oradea, September 2003
Ana Rădulescu, Florian Sălăjeanu

National Federation of Romanian Social Workers
Florian Sălăjeanu

Obstacles in developing homogeneous labor market in Romania
Eugen Blaga

The assessment of the public policies impact through social research
Lavinia Andrei

Social Work in Romania
Elena Zamfir

Preventing Child Abandonment and Deinstitutionalisation. Priorities for ANCPA
Gabriela Coman

CASPIS - Path towards the European Pattern in Society
Cătălin Zamfir

Romanian’s Adherence to European Union. Priority Politics of the Present Government
Hildegard Puwak

Probation in Romania
Rodica Stănoiu

Violence in Romanian News
Alexandra Povară

Misiunea Colegiului Naţional al Asistenţilor Sociali Avem nevoie de reglementarea profesiei de asistent social în România? [The Mission of National College of Social Workers. Do We Need the Regula
Florian Sălăjeanu

”Cazul social” Boală, psihiatrie şi dezinstituţionalizare în România postsocialistă
Jack R. Friedman

Program Evaluation: AIDS Awareness Campaign in 14 Romanian Counties
Doru Buzducea