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Home > Arhiva > 2013 > Numar: 2

Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2013

Nicoleta Neamţu, Oana Lăcrămioara Bădărău
Editorial: Evoluţia serviciilor de plasament familial şi adopţie în context naţional şi internaţional

Plasamentul familial şi adopţia sunt două măsuri alternative principale de ocrotire a copilului şi reprezintă forme ale practicii asistenţei so... [Abstract]
Nicoleta Neamţu, Oana Lăcrămioara Bădărău
Editorial: The Evolution of Family Foster Care and Adoption in National and International Context

Foster care and adoption are two main alternative options of childcare and represent forms of child and family centered social work practice, widespre... [Abstract]
Daniela Nicolăescu
Reducerea adopţilor internaţionale – perspective globale şi naţionale [Decreasing of International Adoption – Global and National Perspectives]

The international adoption is a rather recent phenomenon experienced by the human societies which developed particularly after World War Two. The decr... [Abstract]
Peter Unwin, Gabriela Mişca
The Changing Face of Adoption in England: Opportunities and Dilemmas

The Coalition Government in England has recently undertaken a radical review of adoption services. Informed by business and managerial principles, the... [Abstract]
Nicoleta Neamţu, Daniela Cojocaru
Dinamica serviciilor de plasament familial în România în perioada 1999-2011 [The Evolution of Family Foster Care Services in Romania between 1999-2011]

The aim of this article is to analyze the evolutions of the main types of family foster care placements in Romania between 1999-2011. The results of t... [Abstract]
Carmen Buzea
Utilizarea metodei cercetării factoriale în studiul deciziilor privind plasamentul familial [Using Factorial Survey Method to Study Foster Care Placement Decisions]

The paper presents the factorial survey, a quasi-experimental methodological approach particularly suitable to measure professional judgments in the f... [Abstract]
Claudia Oşvat, Cristiana Marc
Placement at Professional Foster Caregiver – Protection Measure for the Child in Difficulty

Children represent one of the social categories at risk. In our country, at the end of June 2012, a total of 64.551 children were in the social protec... [Abstract]
Ionela A. Şoş , Paul Teodor Hărăguş
Rezultate ale unui studiu longitudinal al ieşirii copiilor din plasamentul la asistent maternal profesionist [Results of a Longitudinal Study of the Exit of Children from Professional Family Foster Care]

. The study analyzes the children who entered professional foster care in Bistriţa-Năsăud county, from 1998 to 2012. More than half of the children... [Abstract]
Oana Lăcrămioara Bădărău
Mecanismul recurenţei cazurilor de maltratare a copilului în sistemul de protecţie socială din România [The Mechanism of Recurrence of Child Maltreatment Incidents in the Romanian Social Protection System]

In recent years, the concept of recurrence of child maltreatment has generated many debates, controversies, and various interdisciplinary approaches. ... [Abstract]
Loredana-Marcela Trancă , Patricia Luciana Runcan
Communication and Conflict in Workaholic Families

The present study identifies the key features of communication and conflicts in workaholics’ families based on the perception of the workaholics’ ... [Abstract]
Ion Copoeru, Sebastian Moldovan , Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei (Corodeanu) , Tudor Ciuhodaru , Elena Seghedin, Magdalena Iorga
The Inter-Agency Cooperation in Healthcare and Social Services for Substance Misuse and Addiction in Romania: A Case Study

As in many other countries, the Romanian institutional framework for drug prevention, treatment and recovery is based on the concept of integrated ser... [Abstract]
Carmen Luca Sugawara, Jocelyn Clare R. Hermoso, Marciana Popescu, Thomas W. Dichter
Strengthening Democracy Through Local Capacity Development: The Case of Moldova

Over the past several decades, local capacity development (LCD) has played a central role in helping countries move towards democratization. Despite i... [Abstract]
Jocelyn Clare R. Hermoso, Eileen Dombo
Exploring the Justice Dimensions of UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Violence and conflict affect women in various ways. The paradox of women’s role in peacemaking is that, while they are severely affected by war, the... [Abstract]
Cosmin Goian
Procese de asistenţă socială centrate pe individ, familie şi grup. Studii de caz

Nicoleta Neamţu (coordonator), Autori: Nicoleta Neamţu, Nicoleta Golea, Carmen Ciornei, Cătălina Spârleanu, Nicoleta Amariei, Claudia Varga, G... [Abstract]
Alexandru Iulian Bodnariu
Consilierea în Asistenţa Socială [Counseling in Social Work]

Hanibal Dumitraşcu (coordonator), Autori: Hanibal Dumitraşcu, Gheorghiţa Nistor, Daniela – Tatiana Şoitu, Adina Duţă, Sanda Luminiţa Miha... [Abstract]

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