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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 2

Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2012

Maria Roth, Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Imola Antal
Editorial: Drepturile copiilor, bunăstarea şi protecţia lor

De mai bine de 20 de ani Convenţia ONU privind Drepturile Copilului (CDC) obligă statele şi profesioniştii să ia cele mai adecvate măsuri în pr... [Abstract]
Maria Roth, Mihai-Bogdan Iovu, Imola Antal
Editorial: Chidren's rights, Well-Being and Protection

Committed for more than 20 years to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), states and professionals strive to promote the child’s bes... [Abstract]
Manfred Liebel
Children’s Rights as Living Rights: Why Human Rights Only Make Sense if they are Connected to the Lives of Children

In the debate on children’s rights there is still little attention given to the meaning these rights have for children from diverse social and cultu... [Abstract]
Smiljana Simeunovic Frick
The Committee's View on Children's Participation in the CRC Monitoring and Reporting Process

Although children's (direct) participation in the monitoring and reporting process of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is not a common practi... [Abstract]
Paroula Naskou-Perraki
The Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Greece

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereinafter CRC) was adopted unanimously on November 20th, 1989 by the General Assembly on t... [Abstract]
Imola Antal, Maria Roth, Elemér Mezei, Agnes Dávid-Kacsó, Corina Voicu, Rozália Szász
The Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect (BECAN) in Romania

BECAN (Balkan Epidemiological Study on Child Abuse and Neglect) is an epidemiological study aiming at mapping child abuse and neglect (CAN) in the ge... [Abstract]
Agnes Dávid-Kacsó, Imola Antal, Maria Roth, Elemér Mezei, Rozália Szász
Abuzul fizic, psihologic şi metodele de disciplinare pozitivă în practica parentală a părinţilor adolescenţilor de 16 ani din România [Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse and Positive Disciplinating Methods Employed by Parents of Romanian 16-years Old Adolescents]

The current study presents data from the BECAN* project. The use of physically and emotionally abusive parental practices as well as of positive disci... [Abstract]
Cristina Baciu, Corina Voicu, Imola Antal, Elemér Mezei, Maria Roth
Abusive Parents from Rural and Urban Areas

For the sake of further planning preventive actions in child-welfare, our data contextualize the idea of “families at risk for child abuse and negle... [Abstract]
Gabriella Tonk, Júlia Adorjáni, Éva László
Providing Services to Maltreated Children and their Families. Some Findings of Romanian Case Based Surveillance Study

Reliable national child maltreatment data is needed for the development and improvement of policies aimed at preventing child maltreatment and support... [Abstract]
Salomea Popoviciu, Ioan Popoviciu, Damaris Costea, Daniel Bara, Emanuela Drăgan
Engaging Mothers in Romanian Child Protection Services: Caseworkers’ Perspectives

This paper presents the results of a study that explored mothers’ engagement in Romanian child welfare services from the perspective of caseworkers.... [Abstract]
Adriana Fărcaş, Maria Roth
Detecting and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect. Dilemma and Difficulties for the Medical Staff

Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) reporting is mandatory for medical staff in many countries, including Romania. In this qualitative study we explore and ... [Abstract]
Dan A. Ratliff, Riccardo Rossano, Antonio Panico
The Effects of Migration on Romanian Families: An Ecosystemic Review

Romanian immigrants are the largest group of immigrant children in Italian public schools. This paper applied an ecosystemic framework to review exist... [Abstract]
Maja Gerovska
The Impact of Economic Crisis on Wellbeing Among Vulnerable Children and Young People in Macedonia

The paper analyzes the effects of the difficult economic times and the current global economic crisis on the well-being of children and young people i... [Abstract]
Brînduşa-Antonia Grigoraş, Sergiu Bălţătescu, Maria Roth
The Well-Being of Children Aged 12-14 in Cluj County. A Pilot Study

Starting with an overview of the state of the art in international children’s well-being studies and some aspects of children’s wellbeing in Roman... [Abstract]
Diana Dămean
Violence in Secondary Schools: A Comparative Study

The paper presents the results of national and local surveys measuring school safety using scales from the School Success Profile questionnaire. The ... [Abstract]
Claudia Oşvat
Children in Need. Predisposing Factors in Preventing Child Abandonment and School Dropout

The family is a child’s first framework of reference and it represents a vital element in their upbringing. But what happens when families face fina... [Abstract]
Camelia Stăiculescu, Monica Ungureanu
The Social inclusion of the Children and Young People with Social Disabilities – Between Desideratum and Reality

The social inclusion of children and young people with disabilities represents a desideratum for many countries. We can find this direction in the nat... [Abstract]
Adela Elena Popa
Practicieni din educaţia preşcolară despre factorii de risc şi rezilienţă în cazul copiilor cu cerinţe educative speciale [Preschool Education Professionals on Risk and Resilience Factors for Children with Special Educational Needs]

The article presents the qualitative results of a research carried on 92 preschool education professionals from Sibiu County. Research was focused on ... [Abstract]
Săndica Ion
Terapia familiei, Virginia Satir; traducere: Cristian Constantinescu, Bucureşti: Editura Trei, 2011 [Conjoint Family Therapy]

Virginia Satir, a trăit în Statele Unite ale Americii, între anii 1916-1988, fiind cunoscută şi apreciată ca unul dintre cei mai influenţi psih... [Abstract]

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