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Home > Arhiva > 2011 > Numar: 2

Revista de Asistență Socială: 2 / 2011

Valentina Rujoiu
Editorial: Asistenţa socială: ştiinţă, intervenţie, schimbare

11 martie 2011. O zi pe care nu o vom uita şi care a zguduit, la propriu şi la figurat, întreaga planetă. O zi care pentru români a avut, din anu... [Abstract]
Valentina Rujoiu
Editorial: Social Work: Science, Action, Change

March 11th , 2011. A day that we will not forget that rocked, literally and figuratively, the entire planet. A day that for the Romanian people had, i... [Abstract]
Michael Klassen
Systemic Perspectives on Social Work

The science of Social Work needs an independent domain which is specific enough to define Social Work from other sciences and professions, and general... [Abstract]
Rika Swanzen
The Co-Existence of the Social Work and Child and Youth Care Professions

Two social service professions in South Africa have faced major challenges in the past decade or more. Members of the social work and (emerging) child... [Abstract]
Olakunle Michael Folami
Criminal Exploitation of Children in Contemporary Nigeria

The free economic system has created the opportunity for children exploitation in modern Nigeria. Children are now the tools of income generation for ... [Abstract]
Bala Raju Nikku
Social Work Education in South Asia Insights from Nepal

Social Work has grown in to a global profession in the last five decades. Professional Social Workers work with clients and communities in need and de... [Abstract]
Monica Barbovski, Valentina Marinescu, Anca Velicu
Being in Contact With Strangers Teenagers’ Exploration of Alternative Identities Online

The present article intends to analyze the European children’s online and offline interactions, as they appear in the results of EUKIDS II ONLINE Eu... [Abstract]
Florica Ştefănescu, Claudia Oşvat
Socioeconomic Implications of Autism Case Study on Romanian Realities

In this paper we propose to discuss some of the main data found in literature on autism. We have also included a study conducted among parents of chil... [Abstract]
Martina Hrozenská
Long-term Care for Older People in the Slovak Republic – Current Problem and Urgent Challenge

The Slovak Republic is one of the youngest countries in Europe. According to the last UN prognosis, the Slovak Republic will become one of the oldest ... [Abstract]
Dana Paula Brăescu
The Ecological Approach – a Valuable Tool for the Social Work Practice

The ecological approach is one of the most important tools available to practitioners who work with children and their families in the child protectio... [Abstract]
Stephen Case, Kevin Haines
Protection, Prevention and Promotion: The Restricted Evolution of the Protective Factor in Criminological Research

Research in Wales focused on the youth inclusion strategy ‘Extending Entitlement’ suggests that the link between ‘risk factors’ and offending ... [Abstract]
Doina Ştefana Săucan, Mihai Ion Micle, Aurora Liiceanu, Gabriel Oancea
Coping Strategies and Defense Mechanisms Adopted by Women Inmates Who Have Killed Their Intimate

Individuals tend to develop strategies of stress control and coping when they are confronted with negative emotions. This research focuses on the stra... [Abstract]
Andreea Ioana Hangan
Victimele şi agresorii în cadrul şcolii [Victims and Aggressors at School]

Bullying victimization is associated with several health issues. Prevention of bullying is therefore an important goal for health and education profes... [Abstract]
Mihaela Lambru
Dimensiunea socială a sectorului neguvernamental [The Social Dimension of Non-Government Sector ]

The aim of the article is to present the current situation of the non-governmental sector (NGOs) in terms of dimension of the sector, structure and dy... [Abstract]
Alina Anghel
Dimensiuni ale integrării sociale a victimelor traficului de fiinţe umane [Dimensions of Social Integration of Victims of Human Trafficking]

Social integration is a social process that is evolving as a result of interactions that occur between parties which have a relationship of interdepen... [Abstract]
Carmen Gheorghe
Egalitatea de gen în politicile publice pentru romi [Gender Mainstreaming in Public Policies for Roma ]

The way in which the gender equality is treated in public policies is symptomatic for the Romanian society. A conservative society would undertake mea... [Abstract]
Luminiţa Ionescu
Book review: Asistenţa socială a grupurilor de risc,(coordonator), Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2010, 894 p [Social Assistance Risk Groups]

Grupurile aflate în situaţii de risc se confruntă cu o multitudine de probleme apărute în urma dezechilibrului dintre nevoile, obiectivele, solic... [Abstract]
Georgiana Virginia Bonea
Book review: Vest şi Est. Cultura violenţei şi emoţiile sociale; Octavian Rujoiu şi Valentina Rujoiu, Bucureşti: Editura ASE, 2010, 300 p. [West and East. Culture of Violence and Social Emotions]

Lucrarea Vest şi Est. Cultura violenţei şi emoţiile sociale analizează normele, valorile şi pattern-urile caracteristice anumitor tipuri de soci... [Abstract]

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