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Home > Arhiva > 2022 > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2022

Valentina Rujoiu
Editorial: Rolul suportului social formal şi gestionarea situaţiilor de criză şi vulnerabilitate

Viaţa fiecărui om este un proces de rezolvare a problemelor cu care se confruntă. În funcţie de experienţele la care persoanele au fost expuse, ... [Abstract]
Valentina Rujoiu
Editorial: The Role of Formal Social Support and the Management of Crisis and Vulnerability Situations

Every man’s life is a process of solving the problems he faces. Depending on the experiences that people have been exposed to during the socializati... [Abstract]
Yuliya Yordanova Pulova-Ganeva
Children from Vulnerable Ethnic Groups in Bulgaria: Between Community Traditions and the Conservatism of Institutions

For decades, the demographic processes in Bulgaria have been associated with an ageing population and a declining share of young age groups, with thes... [Abstract]
Patricia Luciana Runcan
Crisis Intervention in Time of COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is still an ongoing global pandemic that has impacted almost everything at global level, bringing about discrimination, lifestyl... [Abstract]
Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean, Remus Runcan
Role of the Social Worker in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic

A certain number of tasks that social work should perform through social work services, but also through social workers, can be determined. The natur... [Abstract]
Gheorghiţa Nistor
Social Support Services Regarding the Harmful use of Alcohol. Empirical Research in Romania

Alcohol consumption among teenagers and young people has increased, a phenomenon evident in the specific statistics at the national and international ... [Abstract]
Costinela Valentina Gălbinaşu
Rolul terapiei asistate de animale în dezvoltarea socio-emoţională a copiilor diagnosticaţi cu ADHD [The Role of Animal-Assisted therapy in Socio-Emotional Development of Children Diagnosed with ADHD]

Abstract. Life with a child with ADHD can be challenging, it can mean a change of direction and meaning. Beyond the problems, however, his needs are n... [Abstract]
Mihaela Simion
Violenţa intimă: femeia victimă. Cauzele şi consecinţele abuzului fizic [ntimate Partner Violence: The Female Victim. Causes and Consequences of Physical Abuse]

The subject of this paper is relevant to the field of study of violence between intimate partners. The article will address the issue of the woman be... [Abstract]
Kristina-Valeria Kristoff
Suportul social formal şi problematica violenţei domestice: abordare psihosocială şi interculturală [Formal Social Support and the Issue of Domestic Violence: Psychosocial and Intercultural Approach]

Violence against women has always been present throughout history at the level of society. In time violence was observed and learned as a behavior tha... [Abstract]
Gabriela Zaharia
Susţinerea îngrijitorilor informali ai persoanelor vârstnice dependente, în mediul rural [Supporting Informal Carers of Dependent Elderly People, in Rural Areas]

Informal care in Romania is one of the most important pillars of the long-term care system. In rural communities, it is a traditional norm to take ca... [Abstract]
Alina Costin
Findings about the Effects of Divorce on Children: A Review of the Literature

Numerous research studies indicate that parental divorce is associated with problems of stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, in general with a lower leve... [Abstract]

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