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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

Homepage > Archive > Numar: 4

Revista de Asistență Socială: 4 / 2015

Anamaria Szabo
Editorial: Taking the Restorative Path in Building Our Lives and Relationships

We are starting this editorial by stating the obvious – conflicts and harmful relationships are experiences that occur naturally throughout our live... [Abstract]
Ted Wachtel
Restorative Practices and the Life-World Implications of a New Social Science

The emerging discipline of restorative practices includes ‘restorative justice’ but also extends to participatory practices in diverse fields. Res... [Abstract]
Belinda Hopkins
From Restorative Justice to Restorative Culture

In its original conception Restorative Justice was an innovative process adopted to address criminal behaviour in such a way as to reduce re-offending... [Abstract]
Malini Laxminarayan , Annemieke Wolthuis
Accessibility of Restorative Justice: Attitudes as Barriers to Greater Referrals

Many studies assessing the benefits of restorative justice have emphasized how such procedures can lead to greater satisfaction, empowerment for the v... [Abstract]
Tim Chapman , Donna Murray
Restorative Justice, Social Capital and Desistance from Offending

Restorative justice has been the primary approach towards young people who offend and their victims within the youth justice system in Northern Irelan... [Abstract]
Gabriel Oancea, Mihai Ion Micle
Abordări specifice justiţiei restaurative în sistemul de probaţiune din România [Approaches to restorative justice within the probation system in Romania]

The paper analyzes those restorative approaches that are implemented within the Romanian criminal justice system, and how they can be furthered approa... [Abstract]
Xiaoyu Yuan , Xiaohua Di
Harmonizing or Restoring Justice? A Study of Victims’ Experiences Meeting with their Young Offenders in China

This study examines the victims’ experiences and perceptions in meeting with their young offenders in China, as part of the out-of-court reconciliat... [Abstract]
Shirley Jülich, Helen Bowen
Restorative Justice in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Improving our Response to Sexual Violence

The New Zealand Law Commission and other stakeholders have been exploring the potential for introducing alternative responses to sexual offending. Int... [Abstract]
Theo Gavrielides
Is Restorative Justice Appropriate for Domestic Violence Cases?

The applicability of restorative justice with cases of domestic violence remains to be a grey area of research, policy and practice. In fact, there is... [Abstract]
Branka Peurača , Lucija Vejmelka
Non-violent Conflict Resolution in Peer Interactions: Croatian Experience of Peer Mediation in Schools

The importance of the role of peers increases with the separation of adolescents from their parents and with the development of closer interaction wit... [Abstract]
Monique Anderson
Book Review: Tali Gal, Child Victims and Restorative Justice: A Needs-Rights Model, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011

Whilst practicing as a children’s rights lawyer and working with victimized children, Tali Gal was confronted with the limitations of court processe... [Abstract]
Irina-Cristina Făinaru
Book Review: Frieder Dünkel, Philip Horsfield, Andreea Păroşanu; Brussels: International Juvenile Justice Observatory

Cercetarea europeană în materie de justiţie restaurativă ne aduce în prim plan volumul intitulat Research and Selection of the Most Effective Juv... [Abstract]
Cristina Teoroc
Book Review: Theo Gavrielides, A Victim-Led Criminal Justice System: Addressing the Paradox, London: Independent Academic Research Studies, 2014

Theo Gavrielides, editor al mai multor lucrări de justiţie restaurativă, justiţie socială şi drepturile omului, fondator şi director al Indepen... [Abstract]

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