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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2018 > Numar: 1

Revista de Asistență Socială: 1 / 2018

Cosmin Goian, Loredana-Marcela Trancă

Numărul curent al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială s-a concentrat pe tematica: Educaţie, politică şi inovaţie în asistenţa socială şi s-a rea... [Abstract]
Cosmin Goian, Loredana-Marcela Trancă

The current issue of the Social Work Review was focused on the theme: Education, policy and innovation in social work and was achieved through an edit... [Abstract]
Mohammad Abu Abid, Luiza Vlaicu, Dănuţ Sorin Bălăuţă, Dorina Buică
School Violence in the Negev Region of Israel

We often hear or read, through media, about a shooting, killing, or aggression towards people or property. The violence phenomenon became present in A... [Abstract]
Cristina Bălău, Gabriela Povian, Patricia Luciana Runcan , Alexandru Neagoe
Problematica integrării profesionale a persoanelor seropozitive [he Issue of the Professional Integration of HIV-Positive People]

The professional integration of HIV-positive people is a topical issue that faces difficulties and copes with the society's preconceptions, mentality,... [Abstract]
Alexandru Neagoe, Loredana-Marcela Trancă , Dănuţ Sorin Bălăuţă, Luiza Vlaicu
"Values Focused Social Work Practice" Master’s Degree – a Model of Pedagogical Good Practice

Given that there are beneficiaries of social work with spiritual concerns, the training of specialists able to respond adequately to such concerns or ... [Abstract]
Corina Ilinca, Stephen J. Cutler
Long-Term Influence of Subjective Hearing Assessment on Subjective Memory Functioning: Results from the Health and Retirement Study

Purpose: Recent research demonstrates an association between hearing ability and dementia. Despite these findings, mechanisms underlying the relations... [Abstract]
Roxana Ungureanu, Diana Biris
Risk and Protective Factors for Children Facing the Criminal Justice System

Juvenile delinquency as an antisocial phenomenon is characterized by features and specific notes of the age category as well as by personality charact... [Abstract]
Adriana Florentina Călăuz
Modalităţi de stimulare a inovării sociale la nivel local [Modes of Boosting Social Innovation at the Local Level]

e live in a society that operates after sets of disparate values. It can easily be noticed the lack of citizens' interest in community problems, gener... [Abstract]
Andreea Căldăruş, Remus Runcan
O analiză sociologică a sistemului universitar românesc de managementul calităţii [A sociological Analysis of the Quality Management System in the Romanian Universities]

Although there is still a certain difficulty in moving from the principle acceptance of the importance of the domain (as a desirable social element) t... [Abstract]
Mona Vintilă, Otilia Ioana Tudorel
The role of Social Support on Internet Addiction

Internet addiction has been defined as a technology addiction, characterized by non-specific online activities that increase the time spent online, ca... [Abstract]
Irina Vastag (Vlăduţescu), Mihaela Tomiţă
Interference of Work Satisfaction and Organizational Culture

Work satisfaction designates the level of satisfaction experienced by the employees as far as their job and their position are concerned; thus, for so... [Abstract]
Loreni Baciu , Delia Vîrgă
Wellbeing and Turnover Intentions among Romanian Social Workers

Social work is a profession that aims to improve the social functioning of people in need, by supporting them to overcome difficult situations, so it ... [Abstract]
Eugen Jurca
Clase de substanţe psihoactive şi orientări terapeutice – în sprijinul asistenţilor sociali [Classes of Psychoactive Substances and Therapeutic Guidelines – as Support for Social Workers]

The problem of drug use, and especially drug addiction, is gradually becoming a major concern of many specialized intervention areas (clinics, counsel... [Abstract]
Claudiu – Mihail Roman, Rodica Cojan
Persoanele adulte fără adăpost – practici inovative [Homeless Adults – Innovative Practices]

The phenomenon of homeless adults in large cities is on the rise. The cause may be the absence of social resources, their poor allocation, or the attr... [Abstract]
Ramona-Elena Tutunaru
Incluziunea şcolară şi incluziunea socială a copiilor cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale. Contribuţii ale cadrelor didactice itinerante [School Inclusion and Social Inclusion of Children with Educational Special Needs. Contributions of Itinerant Teachers]

Purpose: Integrated education refers to integrating into the regular/mass education system any child with special educational needs/SEN (e.g. children... [Abstract]
Simona Sava, Loredana AlGhazi
Dimensiunea socială în universităţile româneşti – dezvoltări asimetrice [Social Dimension in Romanian Higher Education Institutions – Asimetric Developments]

Social dimension of higher education institutions (HEIs) has become a key-topic, of increased concern, reflections and actions undertaken in the Europ... [Abstract]
Anda Rodideal
Book review The Generational Welfare Contract – Justice, Institutions and Outcomes

Simon Birnbaum, Tommy Ferrarini, Kenneth Nelson, Joakim Palme, Book available at: Abstract]

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