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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Articles by keyword: communication

Communication Definition and Motivation
Petre Anghel

Sex, Gender and Culture Differences
Petre Anghel

Interpersonal Communication and Politeness on Internet
Mirela Boteanu

Political Mimesis, Change Quality and Moral Values in Education
Elena Zamfir

Communication – Determining Factor in Establishing Participative Social Relationships in Social Work
Stela Milicenco

Interview in Social Work Practice
Valentina Dragomir

International Initiative – National Policies Landmarks for People with Disabilities
Olga Jora

Communication for the Hearing Impaired People
Violeta Dumitru

Comunicarea în asistenţă socială, între emitere şi ascultare
Petre Anghel

Communication and Conflict in Workaholic Families
Loredana-Marcela Trancă , Patricia Luciana Runcan

The Place of Social-Psychological Training in the Preparation of Social Workers in the Slovak Republic
Andrea Juhásová

Trans-Cultural Nursing Changing Treatment Approaches within Hospitals in Israel
Einav Atzmona Rosh , Livia Popescu

Despre media, comunicare şi asistenţă socială
Mihaela Popa

Schimbarea şi cultura organizaţională
Claudia Constantinescu

About Groups and Group Work Approaches
Mihaela Popa

Cum să comunici cu cei care suferă. Câteva lecţii de la C. S. Lewis
Emil Bartoş

Role of Social Workers in Communicating a Positive HIV Test Result and in HIV Pre- and Post-test Counselling
Gabriela Povian, Patricia Luciana Runcan

Rolul comunicării în procesul de supraveghere a minorului
Alina Ştefania Marinescu (Şerban)

The Role of Social Worker in Socializing Preschool Children
Alina Breaz

Quality of Child Protection Services, between Facilitating Factors and Challenges. Case Study
Loredana-Marcela Trancă , Beatrice-Simona Țimonea

The Importance of Communication in Residential care Homes for the Elderly
Karina-Florina Petrovici , Luiza Vlaicu

The Role of Nonverbal Communication in the Interaction between Social Workers and Refugees from Ukraine
Georgiana Trifan, Cosmin Goian, Luiza Vlaicu