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Home > Arhiva > 2020 > Numar: 2 > Rolul comunicării în procesul de supraveghere a minorului

 Rolul comunicării în procesul de supraveghere a minorului [The Role of Communication in the Context of Evaluation, Monitoring and Assisting the Minor who Committed Crimes]

  • Alina Ştefania Marinescu (Şerban) (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail:

Developing the communication skills is essential in social work practice, since it determines the way in which the social workers are able to achieve the goals of this field “fostering the social change, solving problems in human relations and mobilizing people for increasing welfare” (Miley et al, 2006, 18). In practice, using the communication skills leads to some desired results in social worker’s activity (planning and structuring an interview, developing and maintaining of a relationship with the client, identifying and elaborating intervention strategies) providing an appropriate direction in the collaborative process. Social workers prove professionalism and devotion for their field of activity by assuming responsibility for their conduct and practice with the clients, this including the review of strengths, weaknesses and communication barriers (Davies, 2015, 1). Juvenile delinquency is a complex phenomenon that is difficult to define measure, explain and prevent, one reason for this is because delinquency is directly connected with influences of other social institutions, including families, school, mass-media (Hewitt, Regoli, 2011, 4). Taking into consideration the prevalence and the impact of crimes committed by minors, the process of identifying appropriate solutions for their moral socialization and the establishment of a specialized intervention based on efficient communication, represents a priority in the context of evaluation, monitoring and assisting the minor. This article starts with a presentation of communication skills required by the social work approach and continues with a description of a social worker’s main roles while guiding the monitoring of a delinquent minor. The aimed result is to highlight the key elements of the communication process with in order to establish and maintain an efficient relationship between client and social worker (Lishman, 1994, 2-3).

Keywords: communication, social work, juvenile delinquency, intervention, skills