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Home > Arhiva > 2018 > Numar: 4 > Rolul filosofiei în formarea profesională şi a eficacităţii intervenţiei asistentului social

 Rolul filosofiei în formarea profesională şi a eficacităţii intervenţiei asistentului social [The Role of Philosophy in the Professional Formation and Effectiveness of the Social Worker's Intervention]

  • Petru Ştefăroi („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Social Assistance and Child Protection Suceava, Romania. Telephone: 0749233297. E-mail:

What primarily brings philosophy into social work theory is the maximal level of analysis, the integrative, transdisciplinary and holistic perspective, as well as the critical-axiological ethical approach. The analysis and the theorization, as well as the intervention, from this level, philosophical, is made, with priority, from the perspective of the ideas and values related to the fundamental human rights, human solidarity, human dignity, equality, freedom and responsibility. Therefore, both the core values but also the fundamental mission/ objectives of social work/ welfare have their origins or the theoretical-axiological foundation, to a great extent, in philosophy, in social philosophy, axiology/ ethics and deontology etc. The contribution of philosophy is also crucial in establishing and substantiating the general ethical framework of the activity and system of social work/ welfare, regarding the constitution and substantiation of the social worker’s deontological norms/ codes of practice, as well as regarding its multidisciplinary, complex and humanistic professional education/ formation, thus ensuring, through its activity and of the social services and institutions to accomplish, by reporting to truly humanistic criteria of efficiency and effectiveness, not only the circumstantial objectives of subsistence but also of some higher, superior goals, of change, welfare and rehabilitation – related to the condition of human being of the client .

Keywords: social work theory, philosophy, level of analysis and intervention, social worker training, professional effectiveness