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Home > Arhiva > 2013 > Numar: 3 > The Relationship Between Convicts and their Families. Social and Juridical Aspects and Current Experiences The Relationship Between Convicts and their Families. Social and Juridical Aspects and Current Experiences
- Cristina Gavriluta (University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol nr. 11, Iasi-700554, Romania, mobile: +40741.36.37.64, E-mail:
- Maria Lorena Ţăruş (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza”University of Iaşi, The Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences E-mail:
- Marius Vulpe (Chief Commissioner, Penitentiary of Iaşi, Visani Street, No. 10 E-mail:
This study focuses on the closed community of prisoners and the relationship those who are imprisoned have with their families and other significant individuals. In this analysis, we have aimed at highlighting the factors that influence the relationship between convicts and their families, as well as legislation aspects which facilitate or, on the contrary, hinder this relationship. The first part is focused on theoretical aspects concerning families and the world of the incarcerated persons, whereas the second part presents certain statistical data providing fact-recording support to the information presented and good practice examples. Finally, the analysis identifies the factors influencing the relationship between imprisoned individuals and their families. The entire undertaking gives the topic a new nuance, due to the fact that, as a rule, research in the domain is hindered by the rigid nature of the institutions the convicts go through from sentencing to release.
Keywords: Family, convicts, prison environment, closed community, type of detention, reintegration, community correctional service