
Home > Arhiva > 2014 > Numar: 1 > Grupurile online de suport pentru suicidari. Avantaje şi limite terapeutice

 Grupurile online de suport pentru suicidari. Avantaje şi limite terapeutice [The Online Support Groups for Suicidals. Advantages and Therapeutical Limits]

  • Emanuel Adrian Sârbu (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Baptist Theology, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work; 29 Berzei Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania, Telephone +4021/318.15.93, E-mail: easarbu@ftb.unibuc.ro)

The inner need to communicate with others about one's moods, feelings, emotions, after experiencing a major traumatic experience, can be perceived as a human universal. Considering suicidal behavior as a result of a life experience that is perceived as negative or unpleasant, it can be affirmed that the suicidal's inner burden can be eased by sharing it with others who are willing to show empathy, non-judgemental behavior and an active listening. One of the best places to find this might be a support group. But we have to be aware of the fact that, in nowadays, thanks to technological progress improvements in the field of communications, it might be easyer to get connected online with friends and aquaintances than meeting them face to face. So it is reasonable to hypothese that a virtual support group for suicidals may have considerable success in prevention activities. The article analyzes the 5 years activity of a virtual support group for suicide prevention, emphasizing both its advantages and its therapeutical limits.

Keywords: suicide, prevention, online support groups