
Home > Arhiva > 2013 > Numar: 2 > Placement at Professional Foster Caregiver – Protection Measure for the Child in Difficulty

 Placement at Professional Foster Caregiver – Protection Measure for the Child in Difficulty

  • Claudia Oşvat (University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, 5 University Street, 0259/408766, E-mail: claudiaosvat@gmail.com)
  • Cristiana Marc (University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, 5 University Street, 0259/408439, E-mail: cristiana_marc@yahoo.com)

Children represent one of the social categories at risk. In our country, at the end of June 2012, a total of 64.551 children were in the social protection system, 61.58% of them benefited from a measure of special protection in family type services (Source: DPC, 2012). One of the protection measures through family type services for this category of beneficiaries is placement in professional foster care (Law 274/2004). An important aspect is that, after the reform of the child protection system, the number of children in institutions has decreased, while the number of children placed in foster care has grown steadily. The paper aims at giving a brief overview of the data that highlight aspects of the professional foster care program at national level and in particular, in Bihor county, focusing on presenting some of the relevant issues faced by children in placement at professional foster caregivers and the issues the latter encounter in their own work (in Bihor County).

Keywords: professional foster caregiver, difficulties, adoption, family reintegration, attachment