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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Revista este acreditata B+ de catre CNCSIS

Home > Arhiva > 2007 > Numar: 3

Articole de: Ioan Durnescu

Nr. 2 / 2023 - Editorial: Asistența socială în justiția penală
Chiar dacă rămâne într-o bună măsură o Cenușăreasă (Robinson, 2016) în contextul justiției penale, asistența socială atrage în ultima vreme din ce în ce mai multă atenție din partea ...
Nr. 2 / 2023 - Editorial: Social Work in Criminal Justice
Although it remains very much a Cinderella (Robinson, 2016) in the context of criminal justice, social work is attracting increasing attention from researchers, administrators and politicians in recen...
Nr. 2 / 2023 - Bringing Safety on the Road. Taking Road Offending Seriously
This paper presents the evaluation of a new rehabilitation programme for people who have committed road offences. The programme is based on a variety of theoretical models and best practices, and was ...
Nr. 4 / 2016 - The Pains of the Romanian Prisoners in the Spanish Prisons
This exploratory study is based on a relatively small sample (n=35) of Romanian prisoners held in Spain. Based on semi-structure interviews, we identified four main categories of pains of the foreign ...
Nr. 3 / 2012 - Editorial
At the time we suggested the topic for this special issue we had only a general idea about the kind of articles that we are looking for. It was a pleasure for us later when submissions started to arri...
Nr. 3 / 2010 - Editorial: Asistenţa socială în justiţia penală
Deşi este un număr tematic dedicat asistenţei sociale în justiţia penală, revista pe care vă pregătiţi să o citiţi este una deosebit de eclectică, acoperind subiecte dintre cele mai variat...
Nr. 3 / 2010 - Editorial: Social work in criminal justice
Although this is a thematic issue it is also very eclectic one covering a significant number of topics beginning with history, continuing with institutional aspects and perceptions coming from the nei...
Nr. 3 - 4 / 2009 - Despre suferinţele probaţiunii (Pains of probation)
The current article presents partial findings of an IDEI research conducted in 2008: ‘Behavioural rehabilitation of offenders. Client-probation councillor relationship, a basis for the probation a...
Nr. 3 / 2007 - Social Worker in Penitentiaries. Occupational Profile
This piece of research was triggered by the novelty of social work in the Romanian prison system. Most of the social workers in this institutional context were employed after 2003 and it is only in ...
Nr. 1 / 2006 - Dictionary: Probation. Definition and Concept
The problem of defining probation is difficult and important. It is difficult because, as many specialist show (Kalmthout & Derks, 2000; Demers, 1997; Hamai and others, 1995) probation represent...
