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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2009 > Numar: 1 - 2 > Humanistic perspective on customer in social work

Articole de: Petru Ştefăroi

Nr. 2 / 2019 - Dimensiunea ideologico-doctrinală a asistenţei sociale. Teoria, metoda şi practica asistenţei sociale contemporane – între modelul etic-religios şi modelul neoumanist
This article presents the results of a theoretical research, largely based on the study of the specialized literature and the consultation of the websites of some important social work organizations, ...
Nr. 2 / 2018 - Perspectiva umanistă asupra intervenţiei şi schimbării în asistenţă socială comunitară. Roluri, activităţi, calităţi şi conduite ale asistentului social comunitar
The humanistic perspective on intervention in community social work brings to the forefront the concept-value of change, mainly through capitalizing and engaging the human resources from the community...
Nr. 4 / 2018 - Rolul filosofiei în formarea profesională şi a eficacităţii intervenţiei asistentului social
What primarily brings philosophy into social work theory is the maximal level of analysis, the integrative, transdisciplinary and holistic perspective, as well as the critical-axiological ethical appr...
Nr. 1 / 2012 - Paradigma umanistă a asistenţei sociale sau scurtă introducere în asistenţa socială umanistă
Fundamental humanistic values and categories as human rights, social justice, human complexity, self-determination of person, personality, socio-human context, creativity and spirituality are, also, t...
Nr. 1 - 2 / 2009 - Humanistic perspective on customer in social work
Through this article we try to join the efforts ever more apparent, both in the institutional/organizational and scientific/academic or professional schedules to displace the focus from the quantita...
Nr. 1 - 2 / 2008 - Socio-Affective Development Disorders of Institutionalized Child. From The Survival Objective towards the Happiness Objective in Social Work for Children
The most concern psychological phenomenon afferent to the institutionalization of the child is defacement of affective life and development of socio-affective personality. The mainly cause is repres...
Nr. 3 / 2007 - Efficient Management Particularity in Social Work
The management in the social work domain has a special character, some interrelated, and natural in “economics” management falling down but classical or actual paradigms should sustain consisten...
