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Home > Arhiva > 2018 > Numar: 2 > Working with Rural Communities of Meghalaya, India: Implications to Social Work Education

 Working with Rural Communities of Meghalaya, India: Implications to Social Work Education

  • Melari Shisha Nongrum (Department of Social Work, Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, Meghalaya Corresponding address: Martin Luther Christian University, Block 1, Dongktieh, Nongrah, Shillong 793006, Meghalaya, India, E-mail:

Social work with rural communities in Meghalaya has brought about an understanding of realities that exist. The key issues that have been brought to light are the ‘dependency’ of communities on government welfare programmes and the lack of a ‘development’ vision by the indigenous communities. In such a context, the need is also to engage at the macro level and focus on advocacy, policy change, use of social work research for advocacy, rights based sensitization and social action. This paper therefore aims to analyse the rural indigenous communities, the social workers’ role in these communities and the implications to social work education.

Keywords: social work in Meghalaya, social work, social work in rural communities