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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 3 > Tipuri de motivaţii în reabilitarea condamnaţilor aflaţi în evidenţa serviciilor de probaţiune

 Tipuri de motivaţii în reabilitarea condamnaţilor aflaţi în evidenţa serviciilor de probaţiune [Types of Motivation in the Rehabilitation of Convicted People Under the Probation Services Surveillance]

  • Mihai Ion Micle (The Philosophy and Psychology Institute „C. Rădulescu Motru”, Romanian Academy, Way September 13th, No.13, District 5, Bucharest, E-mail:
  • Gabriel Oancea (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Schitu Măgureanu 9, E-mail:
  • Doina Ştefana Săucan (The Philosophy and Psychology Institute „C. Rădulescu Motru”, Romanian Academy, Way September 13th, No.13,, District 5, Bucharest E-mail:

Given that the issue of offenders motivation gained an important role in contemporary criminology, in this article we present the results of a study conducted in the Bucharest Probation Service on the types of motivations used into the rehabilitation process of persons convicted under the supervision of the service. Considering the conclusions drawn in the literature, we studied the hypotheses that individuals in conflict with criminal law manifest predominantly an extrinsic motivation, they being centered to cover, in a short term, some precise criminogenic needs. However, consistent results are obtained when the intervention is focused on intrinsic motivation.

Keywords: motivation, rehabilitation, needs, extrinsic, intrinsic