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Home > Arhiva > 2017 > Numar: 2 > Trauma vicariantă. Între autoneglijare şi grija de sine a celor care au grijă de alţii

 Trauma vicariantă. Între autoneglijare şi grija de sine a celor care au grijă de alţii [The Vicarious Trauma. Between Self-Neglect and Self-Care of those who Take Care of Others]

  • Sorina Dumitrache (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 5, Bucharest, +4021/311.21.68, E-mail: )

The subject of trauma is being more and more under the attention of specialists from the field of social work. The compensating trauma is a topic that hasn’t been discussed intensively though. And not because is a taboo subject or the fact that working with traumatized persons couldn't have negative effects on the ones who assist them, but rather because we don’t know yet very well the ways to approach this phenomenon, which can become a chronic problem for the specialists. Consequently, the few studies of the specific literature concerning the subject of vicarious trauma (Diaconescu, 2005; Dunkley, Whelan, 2006; Canfield, 2005; Baird, Kracen, 2006) call for a thorough exploration of the causes and consequences of the secondary trauma and emphasize the importance of developing training and support programs for those who work with traumatized people. Through this study, we want to emphasize the importance of being aware of this phenomenon of secondary trauma, in order to develop training programs, assistance and support for those who work with people who are suffering, for preventing VT and diminish the negative effects of direct or indirect exposure to trauma. Developing a healthy coping strategy for those who assist the others, so they can work at a high level of professionalism, without negative effects on their personal and professional lives is another aspect to consider.

Keywords: vicarious trauma (VT), secondary trauma, secondary traumatic stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, empathy