
Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 1 > The Role of Nonverbal Communication in the Interaction between Social Workers and Refugees from Ukraine

 The Role of Nonverbal Communication in the Interaction between Social Workers and Refugees from Ukraine

  • Georgiana Trifan (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, No. 4th, V. Pârvan Boulevard, Timişoara, România, E-mail: georgiana.trifan00@e-uvt.ro)
  • Cosmin Goian (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, No. 4th V. Pârvan Boulevard, Timişoara, România, E-mail: cosmin.goian@e-uvt.ro)
  • Luiza Vlaicu (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Blvd. Vasile Pârvan, Nr. 4, Timişoara, România, E-mail: vlaicu.luiza@gmail.com )

The article explores nonverbal communication through direct interactions using the observation method. Nonverbal aspects will be identified through observation. The analysis suggests the importance of the role of non-verbal communication in the interaction between the specialist and the subject. The research was conducted after the tragedy of the war in Ukraine. The article follows the paradigm of nonverbal communication through direct interactions with Ukrainian refugees using the method of observation and study of documents. All subjects from the targeted group participated in the first stage of the process, which is the carrying out of social surveys, surveys that involve the identification of their urgent needs, followed by meetings for the creation of partnership relations between social workers and beneficiaries, meetings that have aimed at getting to know their culture, understanding their behaviors and reactions in a crisis situation, but also interventions focused on individual cases.

Keywords: Refugees from Ukraine, war, communication, sign