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Home > Arhiva > 2023 > Numar: 3 > Impactul crizelor sociale asupra maternităţii. Studiu de caz: centrele de sprijin pentru femeile însărcinate în timpul războiului din Ucraina

 Impactul crizelor sociale asupra maternităţii. Studiu de caz: centrele de sprijin pentru femeile însărcinate în timpul războiului din Ucraina [The Impact of Social Crises on Motherhood. Case Study: Supportcenters for Pregnant Women in Ukraine War Time]

  • Cristina Gavriluta (University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, Bd. Carol nr. 11, Iasi-700554, Romania, mobile: +40741.36.37.64, E-mail:
  • Alexandra Ştefania Nadane ("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iasi, Doctoral School of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, 004-0751.859.467, E-mail:

On February 24, 2022, Ukraine was invaded by Russia. The war caused a major refugee crisis: more than 7.5 million Ukrainians left the country and a third of the population was displaced. This refugee crisis has seen the larges tincrease in Europe since World War II. The most vulnerable were pregnant women, mothers, children and persons with mobility issues. Many stories about pregnant women who gave birth in subway stations amid bombings travelled around the world. Every new born child sent a message of hope to a world gripped by the fear of death. The war and the acute need for social support for pregnant women, mothers and children caused or intensified by it have challenged not only the authorities, but also social workers throughout the country and neighbouring countries. In such a difficult, traumatic and uncertain time, a small team of women, social workers, psychologists and volunteers decided to stay in Ukraine and develop support for pregnant women and mothers. They are joined by dozens of volunteer swho come to the aid of pregnant women and mother severy warday. In Chernivtsi, Zaporizhzhia, Khmelnytskyi, Odesa, Poltavaand Pokrovskthey used the experience of the centers that had been operating for sever al years and adapted it to the challenges generated by the war, while in Lvivthey opened a new support center during the war. Implications for social work education, practice: Social crises generate crises of motherhood. Somecrises are external, othercrises are internal. The experiences of support centers in Ukrainecan inspire examples of best practices for intervention and social support in crisis situations.

Keywords: crises, motherhood, support, Ukraine, war