
Home > Arhiva > 2010 > Numar: 1 > The Evidence of Evidence-Based Social Work

 The Evidence of Evidence-Based Social Work

  • Mariana Oancea (Şef Birou Prevenire Violenţa în Familie, Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială şi Protecţia Copilului, Consiliul Local Sector 1, Bucureşti, Romania, E-mail: bobocmariana@yahoo.co.uk)

The article will define terms and critical issues in evidence based medicine, introducing professionals to the language and importance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking. It will explain how to search for and evaluate evidence, how to ask the right questions, how to develop standards, and how to make use of the best research. It will illustrate also some practical applications in social work: obstacles and solutions. Such information can be used by students and professionals within the process and practice of evidence-based social work, teaching them to be critical thinkers and judicious decision-makers. It helps practitioners to better serve their clients, making this an excellent foundation for the study and practice of evidence-based social work. Its final aim is to posing ourselves some questions: Are we helping? Who are we helping and in what way? Are we harming? Who are we harming and in what way? How can we find out? Are practice and policy decisions well reasoned and informed by available research? Are clients involved as informed participants?

Keywords: social work, Evidence-Based Social Work, social-work practice, research practice