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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Revista este indexata in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Work Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS si ERIH+
Revista este acreditata B+ de catre CNCSIS
Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 4 > Provocările asistenței sociale în procesul de incluziune școlară a copiilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale (CES) Provocările asistenței sociale în procesul de incluziune școlară a copiilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale (CES) [The Challenges of Social Work in the Process of School Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)]
- Angelica Costea (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Department of Social Work, Schitu Măgureanu 9, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: 040734949433, E-mail:,
Currently, autism is considered by society and by government authorities to be a complex handicap. However, in the last 10 years, in Romania we were able to witness many important transformations regarding the life of people (children) with special educational requirements. People with autism are known to have severe difficulties with social interaction, expressive and receptive communication, manifest repetitive behavior patterns, and stereotypes and restricted interests and activities.The purpose of this research is to analyze the challenges of Social Assistance in the School Inclusion Process of children with educational needs. The study involves analyzing the issues faced by the families of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in school integration and to what extent they can achieve balance in overcoming these issues with the help of counseling and support services provided by social assistance and the compulsory education system..Study methodology:I chose to analyze the issue using the qualitative research method because this approach allows me to conduct interviews.The results of this research indicate that, at present, our country is not sufficiently prepared to provide adequate services and conditions for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and their families.In conclusion, the humanization of attitudes among educators, social workers, medical professionals, and teachers towards individuals with various disabilities, as well as the expansion of their integration into all spheres of social life, necessitates essential modifications in the professional activities of these specialists.
Keywords: TSA, SEN, mass education, inclusive education, educational integration