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Home > Arhiva > 2019 > Numar: 4 > Social Policies for the Prevention of Pathological AlcoholConsumption. Empirical Research on Prevention and Action Services Social Policies for the Prevention of Pathological AlcoholConsumption. Empirical Research on Prevention and Action Services
- Gheorghiţa Nistor (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9 Schitu Măgureanu Street, District 1, Bucharest, E-mail:
Effective social policies in the field of preventing and combating harmful alcohol consumption should propose a series of objective measures, starting from a clear assessment of the needs of the community, measures aimed at legislative proposals, action at medical, social and educational level, awareness of medium and long term risks. Romania as a European state must take into account European legislation, action plans in the field, with an emphasis on vulnerable social groups. The aim of this study was to evaluate the opinions of the specialists, who work in the socio-medical services of treating and combating the pathological consumption of alcohol, regarding the social policies in this field. The empirical research consisted of a sociological survey based on a questionnaire and was conducted in the spring of 2018 in the central and north eastern part of Romania. The investigated population was represented by 118 specialists working in the medical and psycho-therapeutic services, combating and preventing the harmful consumption of alcohol. The results of the sociological investigation highlighted the lack of communication between the central public authorities and practitioners, as well as the poor development of the psycho-socio-medical services for intervention and prevention of the pathological alcohol consumption. In order to combat this phenomenon the social policies must target a series of legislative initiatives at medical, social, and community level.
Keywords: social policies, addictions, alcohol, medical and social support services