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Home > Arhiva > 2008 > Numar: 3 - 4 > Social Needs and Social Services for Roma Communities. Qualitative Study in Oradea

 Social Needs and Social Services for Roma Communities. Qualitative Study in Oradea

  • Şerban Olah
  • Sergiu Bălţătescu (University of Oradea, Universităţii Str. no. 1, phone: +40-259-408439, E-mail:

In this paper are analyzed the needs and the social services of the Roma community from the city of Oradea. First part of the article is a theoretical analysis of the main researches on Roma done in Romania and other CEE countries, stressing the urban Roma issues. In the second part the authors focus on a research aimed to assess the social needs of Oradea’s urban Roma. The last part of the paper is a presentation of the conclusions and social policy measures that can improve the conditions of Roma community.

Keywords: social needs, social services, Roma community