
Home > Arhiva > 2021 > Numar: 2 > Rezilienţa tinerilor din cadrul sistemul rezidenţial în context pandemic

 Rezilienţa tinerilor din cadrul sistemul rezidenţial în context pandemic [Resilience of Young People in the Residential System, in the Pandemic Context]

  • Loredana Florentina Cătărău (Bozariu) (Departament of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi; Asociaţia Centrul Diecezan Caritas Iaşi; postal adress: Iaşi, Valea Lupului commune, Teilor street, no. 4; E-mail: loredana.catarau@gmail.com)

The article aims, firstly, to analyze the conceptual framework of resilience, an aspect treated in the theoretical part of the study. Secondly, through this article, we want to discover the applicability of the concept of resilience during the COVID 19 pandemic, from the perspective of girls who benefit of a protection measure at the residential center “Sf. Iosif” from Iaşi. The study is the result of three focus groups carried out in the placement center "Sf. Iosif”. The purpose of the research is to identify how the beneficiaries of the placement center managed to develop resilient adaptation methods during the Coronavirus pandemic. In order to obtain the results, three themes were analyzed: resilience from the perspective of the relationship with the staff/ volunteers of the center, resilience in relation to the school, and the third theme wanted to identify resilient factors in the relationship with family/ group of friends. The target group of the micro-research consists of girls who are beneficiaries of the residential center and are between 13 and 21 years old. The results of the micro-research show that the adaptation to the change given by the pandemic situation is done through: digitalization, globalization, innovation. The research intends to demonstrate the relevance of the concept of resilience at the placement center level and how it can contribute to the changes caused by the COVID 19 pandemic.

Keywords: resilience, pandemic situation, resilience strategies, young people, placement center