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Home > Arhiva > 2019 > Numar: 3 > Ready or Not… Here it comes. Steps taken for restructuring of Residential Type Services for Children

 Ready or Not… Here it comes. Steps taken for restructuring of Residential Type Services for Children

  • Theodora Ene (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, 9, Schitu Magureanu Blvd., 0723 898 115, E-mail:

The social protection system had been subjected to a series of reforms, especially since the Romanian Government established as key initiatives the de-institutionalization process of children from residential type services. The article is reviewing statistics, legislative papers, projects documents that evidence how the shutdown process of eligible public residential type services take place and what steps had been taken so far by the responsible institutions.

Keywords: residential type services, children placement centers, project