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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2008 > Numar: 3 - 4 > Population Ageing Phenomenon and International Implications Regarding Social Protection Improvement for Elderly People Population Ageing Phenomenon and International Implications Regarding Social Protection Improvement for Elderly People
The aging population has begun to be perceived and accepted as a phenomenon with social implications since 1980. Based on surveys towards understanding the phenomenon - from scale perspective, determining factors, effects and implications of the persons concerned in particular and society in general - the European Community has initiated action to meet the needs of the uniformity existence both in terms of general outlook, but also in terms of directions for action.
Two trends will be prevalent: increasing demand for care services of institutions and civil society, which is why social policies and public health policies should be developed following a correct diagnosis, to better training image of what elderly is really about.
Keywords: elderly people, determining factors, care services, social policies, public health policies