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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2010 > Numar: 3

Revista de Asistență Socială: 3 / 2010

Ioan Durnescu
Editorial: Asistenţa socială în justiţia penală

Deşi este un număr tematic dedicat asistenţei sociale în justiţia penală, revista pe care vă pregătiţi să o citiţi este una deosebit de ecl... [Abstract]
Ioan Durnescu
Editorial: Social work in criminal justice

Although this is a thematic issue it is also very eclectic one covering a significant number of topics beginning with history, continuing with institu... [Abstract]
Anamaria Szabo
Patronagiul infractorilor şi alte măsuri de asistare: 1874-1936. Începuturile probaţiunii în România [Offender Patronage and other Measures of Assistance: 1874-1936. The Beginnings of Probation in Romania]

A short incursion into the beginnings of probation in Romania is made. The period chosen for analysis is 1874-1936, during which time a new law on the... [Abstract]
Trish McCulloch, Fergus McNeill
Criminal Justice Social Work in Scotland

This paper seeks to explore and illuminate the role of social work in criminal justice, locating this discussion in the context of recent developments... [Abstract]
Lol Burke
No Longer Social Workers: Developments in Probation Officer Training and Education in England and Wales

Like most European countries, probation training and education in England and Wales has traditionally looked to social work to provide its knowledge b... [Abstract]
Kerstin Svensson
Performing Caring Power in a Scandinavian Welfare State

In this article social work in Swedish criminal justice is explored and described. The starting point is a description of the welfare state and the so... [Abstract]
Martin Lulei
Current Developments of Probation and Social Work in Slovakia – Theoretical Enthusiasm and Practical Scepticism

The article is focused on the chosen aspects of probation in Slovakia, especially in relation to the social work. Difficulties and problems of contemp... [Abstract]
Valentin Schiaucu
Asistenţa socială în spaţiul justiţiei şi probaţiunea. Principii şi valori [Criminal Justice Social Work and Probation. Principles and Values]

This paper is aiming to highlight the connection that exists in terms of values and principles between the general domain of social work, its narrow b... [Abstract]
Maria Sandu
Perspectiva criminologică în asistenţa psihosocială penală şi post-penală [Criminological perspective over criminal and post-criminal psychosocial assistance]

If until recently the issue of crime was addressed by the person "risk-bearing" with all personal and social implications, in the present, without neg... [Abstract]
Doina Ştefana Săucan, Mihai Ion Micle, Aurora Liiceanu
Factori psihologici diferenţiatori în configurarea unei orientări delincvente a minorilor şi tinerilor [Psychological differentiating factors in the configuration of minors and youth delinquents' orientation]

None of the personality traits frequently encountered by the minor delinquents is sufficient per se to give some antisocial orientation of the persona... [Abstract]
Gabriel Oancea
Spre o evaluare a percepţiei judecătorilor cu privire la activitatea serviciilor de probaţiune [Towards an Assesment of Judges’s Perception on Probation Services Activities]

This article includes an overview of the findings of a research on perceptions of judges who judge criminal cases in courts of Bucharest, on the activ... [Abstract]
Mihaela Tomiţă
Multidisciplinary Exploration of the Social Environment for Effective Criminal Justice System

Exploring the social in a particular sequence requires often, complex investigations targeting both specialists in the field, and beneficiaries of ser... [Abstract]
Martine Herzog-Evans
‘Institutionalizing the Redemption Ritual’: Judicial Rehabilitation in France

Shadd Maruna (Making Good, 2001), invites legal systems to allow for rituals - preferably in court - which would acknowledge solemnly that an ex-offen... [Abstract]
Keith N. Haley
Jumbled Justice Radio: Reflections on an Academic’s Experiences Hosting a Weekly Broadcast

The Blog Talk Radio network on the Internet provides faculty, organizations, and other groups the remarkable opportunity to broadcast a daily or weekl... [Abstract]
Andrea Cole, Betty Blythe
Mentoring as an Alternative to Therapy for Immigrant and Refugee Youth

Immigrant and refugee youths are on the rise across the globe. Since many of these youth face various mental health and psychosocial challenges upon ... [Abstract]
Asun Llena Berne, Pilar Heras Trias
Pedagogia socială, între executarea penală (alternativă) şi viziunea terapeutică [Social pedagogy: between (alternative) criminal enforcement and therapeutic vision]

The article describe the work in what is called “open environment” and the executions of alternative measures in Catalunya introducing the differe... [Abstract]
Gwen Robinson
Book review: A.M. van Kalmthout & I. Durnescu (eds.) (2008) Probation in Europe, The Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers

Probation in Europe is in essence a compendium of information about what are loosely termed ‘probation services’ in 32 European jurisdictions. Ini... [Abstract]

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