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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 1 > Violenţa mediatică prin ochii copiilor şi adolescenţilor români

 Violenţa mediatică prin ochii copiilor şi adolescenţilor români [Media Violence Through the Eyes of the Romanian Children and Teenagers]

  • Anca Velicu (Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Way September 13th no. 13, Sector 5 Bucharest (+4)021 3182448, E-mail:

Starting from the observation that there are two main approaches regarding defining „TV violence”, we set ourselves, in this article, to show what it violence, for the Romanian children. Thus, we want to see where these children stand, within the „North-American Anglo-Saxon” perspective, which defines the concept by recourse to the content of the act represented. This perspective was being developed rather in the communication studies, film studies or image studies and sometimes in psychology, is placing violence rather in the representation of the act than in the act itself. For this, we shall analyze the results of a research developed within the project “Impact of media violence on Romanian children. An analysis of civic, ethical and aesthetical dimensions.”, a survey of self-administered questionnaire with Romanian children from secondary school and high school as respondents. In this article we’ll analyze two items of the questionnaire (open questions), focused on a global understanding of what TV violence means to them.

Keywords: Children, television violence, harm content and offence content