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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Articles by keyword: migration

Fenomenul “Singur acasă“ la nivelul comunei Valea Danului, judeţul Argeş ("Home Alone" phenomenon in the Valley Danului from Arges county)
Simona-Florina Marica

Traficul de fiinţe umane - precizări conceptuale (Human trafficking: conceptual clarifications)
Alina Anghel

Victimele traficului de fiinţe umane (Victims of human trafficking)
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru

Îngrijitoarele de bătrâni din Italia – între normalitate şi tulburare mintală sau „Sindromul Italia”
Daniela Sîrghie

Traficul de persoane un fenomen global. Studiu comparativ Romania-Italia
Monica Luminiţa Alexandru

The Effects of Migration on Romanian Families: An Ecosystemic Review
Dan A. Ratliff, Riccardo Rossano, Antonio Panico

Reducerea adopţilor internaţionale – perspective globale şi naţionale
Daniela Nicolăescu

Experienţe ale integrării locative a Imigranţilor în România
Laura-Maria Radu , Georgiana-Cristina Rentea

Fenomenul migraţional între plecare, revenire şi schimbarea modului de viaţă
Simona Cîmpean

Mobility within the European Union and the Access to Social Benefits: Challenges of Social Policies
Georgiana-Cristina Rentea

Wither Multiculturalism? – An Analysis of the Impact on Welfare Practice and Theory of Policy Responses to an Increasingly Multicultural Society in the UK
Clive Sealey

Empowering Unaccompanied Children in Everyday Life in a New Country A Resilience Support Centre in Sweden Evaluated from the Perspective of Program Theory
Osman Aytar, Elinor Brunnberg

Migration from Eastern Europe to Western Europe: Negative Effects on Mothers and Daughters
Remus Runcan , Nicoleta Grămadă

Child Abandonment and Migration – Romanian Study
Rebeca Popescu

The Health and Psycho-Social Development of Children with Parents Working Abroad. Case Study: Delegation of Parental Authority for Children from Rural Areas
Gheorghiţa Nistor, Maria Diana Secară

The Worlds of Care of the Children with Imigrant Parents
Loredana Florentina Cătărău (Bozariu)