
Home > Arhiva > 2023 > Numar: 3 > Helping Families Cope with the Mental Illness of a Relative. Implications for Social Practices

 Helping Families Cope with the Mental Illness of a Relative. Implications for Social Practices

  • Alina Costin (Aurel Vlaicu University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Assistance, Elena Dragoi Street, No. 2-4, 310032 Arad, E-mail: alina.costin@uav.ro)

It is unanimously accepted that disease and health are the result of the interaction between biological, psychological and social factors (Wade, Halligan, 2017); however, in specialized practice, the social perspective is very poorly highlighted. Here we quote Read (2005, 597) who recalls Sharfstein s reply that the bio-psycho-social model has become the bio-bio-bio model. The contribution of the social worker, as a professional in mental health issues, although specified in law 487/2002 on the protection of people with mental illnesses, remains unknown.

Purpose: In this study we examine the important role that the social approach has in the necessary support for the family of the psychiatric patient. Method: The case study allows the description of the impact of psychiatric illness on the family and the need for a social approach in organizing and empowering the family.

Results: The mental illness of a member creates stress, depression, helplessness, basically it is perceived as a burden (Gubman, Tessler, 1987; Snow, Austin, 2009) producing disorganization with serious effects on the level of family functionality.

Conclusions This study suggests the necessity and importance of the social perspective for the families of psychiatric patients.

Keywords: family, mental illness, social perspective, social worker, intervention, psycho-education