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Home > Arhiva > 2011 > Numar: 4 > Filiaţia şi formele de protecţie socială a familiei

 Filiaţia şi formele de protecţie socială a familiei [Filiation and Types of Social Protection of the Family ]

  • Maria Marinela Mihăilă (Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi, Proiectul Societatea Bazată pe Cunoaştere – cercetări, dezbateri, perspective POSDRU/89/1.5./S/56815, Iaşi, str. T. Codrescu nr. 2, cod 700481, tel./fax: 004 0332 408922, E-mail:

In this study we suggest the correlation between filiation, namely its types – natural filiation (normal), adoptive filiation (civil) and artificial filiation (a result of medically assisted procreation), on the one hand, as well as filiation on the mother’s side (maternity) and filiation on the father’s side (paternity) – usually analyzed within the civil law, and the social protection system of the family. In this respect, we intend to characterize each type of filiation and identify the problem areas that require specific strategies of social intervention. Thus, from the perspective of a real and effective family and child protection, the emphasis shifts from the establishment and proof of the filiation relationship and even long before, from the legal definition of pre-embryonic and embryonic life, to the socio-emotional investment, focusing for example, on the desire to have children. These aspects contribute not only to the legal basis for maternity or paternity, but they also constitute the requisites for the assumption of parenting and hence the restoration of contemporary family, supporting the family planning and assistance activities.

Keywords: filiation, parenting, social protection, family assistance