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Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 3 > Evaluare a procesului de incluziune socială prin încadrarea în muncă a persoanelor care au executat pedepse privative de libertate. Cercetare calitativă în Penitenciarul Oradea

 Evaluare a procesului de incluziune socială prin încadrarea în muncă a persoanelor care au executat pedepse privative de libertate. Cercetare calitativă în Penitenciarul Oradea [Assessment of the Social Inclusion Process Through the Employability of People Who Served Custodial Sentences. Qualitative Research in Oradea City Prison]

  • Floare Chipea (University of Oradea, University street, no. 1, 0259-408113, E-mail:
  • Gabriel Ţica (“Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Head of the Education Service - Oradea Penitentiary, Parcul Traian, no.3, Oradea, Romania, E-mail:
  • Raluca Miclea (Buhaş) (University of Oradea, University street, no. 1, 0259-408113, E-mail: raluca_buhas@yahoo)

One of the important features of the post-modern society is reflected in the unprecedented dynamics of the opportunities and limitations` reconfiguration processes which operate on the labor market, strongly marked by the concomitant increase in unemployment and educational capital and by the emphasized specialization and professionalization of the applicants and occupants of the jobs in the labor area. In this context, disadvantaged populations are inevitably subjects to processes of marginalization or exclusion. A group at high risk of exclusion from the labor market is represented by former prisoners, who, once they leave the prison`s enclosure – a difficult process in the conditions of contemporary romanian society, cumulate also the inconveniences generated by the stigmatization and labeling induced by their status of former convict. The present paper aims to provide an assessment of the social inclusion process through the employability of people who served custodial sentences, identifying the obstacles faced by the ex-convicts in their effort of integration/reintegration into the labor market and highlighting the effects of social policies focused on the employability` stimulation of this social group. The research methods used are: social document analysis and the focus-group method regarding former prisoners, employers and professionals involved in the process.

Keywords: convicts, job, labeling, employers, social support