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Home > Arhiva > 2024 > Numar: 2 > Elderly People from Residential Centers. A Theoretical Approach on Ageing Implications and the Social need of Vulnerable Elderly Elderly People from Residential Centers. A Theoretical Approach on Ageing Implications and the Social need of Vulnerable Elderly
- Diana Narcisa Dănău (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, The Social Work Department, The General Direction of Social Work and Child Protection District 1, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail:
Aging is a natural phenomenon that occurs in everyone's life. It has different implications in people's lives, taking into account the way of whole life care. Through this article I want to highlight three primary problems in the lives of the elderly that require quality services from the authorities. These are loneliness, the need for socialization and poor health. The feeling of loneliness is experienced by both the young and the elderly, representing a phenomenon that affects the quality of a person's life. In old age, people are used to living in their own house with their partner, and when one of them disappears, the feeling of uselessness appears, and at the same time, emotionally, the feelings are felt more strongly, gradually becoming dependent on another person. Socialization is also an important element in people's lives, in old age it is the connection that allows the individual to remain connected when various changes occur, for example retirement. The state of health plays a very important role in the life of individuals reaching old age, as various medical conditions begin to appear that require the unconditional support of family members.
Keywords: family, loneliness, poor health, social work, residential centers