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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

Homepage > Archive > Numar: 3 > Editorial


  • Claudia Oşvat (University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, 5 University Street, 0259/408766, E-mail:
  • Cristiana Marc (University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, 5 University Street, 0259/408439, E-mail:

Issue no. 3/2015 of the Social Work Review, coordinated by Ph.D. Associate Professor Claudia Oșvat (Bacter) and Ph.D. Lecturer Cristiana Marc from The University of Oradea, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Romania, includes papers focusing both on theory and practice, researches, comments on policies, practices and their implications for social workers. The topics addressed are: ethical dilemmas faced by social workers, burnout, juvenile delinquency, attitudes towards the Roma, Facebook addiction, social services to adults, volunteering by older people, community development and poverty reduction, intra-EU mobility and welfare benefits, services provided for disabled people (children, adults), substance use among adolescents.

Within the context of population aging in Romania, the study conducted by Stephen Cutler focuses on volunteering as a dimension of active aging, a health policy tool. Pleading for an increase in the number of elderly volunteers, the author analyzes the benefits of volunteering, looks at barriers and obstacles, and suggests ways and measures to encourage volunteering among the elderly in Romania.

The article written by Minna Kivipelto, Sanna Blomgren, Paula Saikkonen and Pekka Karjalainen presents the characteristics of social services provided to adults in Finland and discusses the development of an online tool, called “KEY”, used to determine the effectiveness of an intervention when such services are provided.

In their article, Radosveta Dimitrova, Carmen Buzea, Vanja Ljujic and Venzislav Jordanov study Romaphobia and they examine how the relationships between nationalism, ethnic identity and perceived threat affect feelings towards Roma among youth in Bulgaria and Romania.

The author Nina Mihaela Mihalache draws the readers' attention to poverty reduction, focusing on strategies for social development and poverty reduction and ways to social and economic facilitation.

Burnout, secondary trauma and compassion erosion in social work are the topics of the article written by Maria Diaconescu. The author insists on knowing and developing among students from social work of self-care practices and strategies that help them cope with the feelings related to burnout, secondary trauma and compassion erosion.

Aurora Gavriș explores the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency, focusing on the special protection measures and on the legal ways of sanctioning the juvenile offender. She also presents a complex case which ended with a custodial educational measure imposed on an underage offender.

In her article, Călina Ana Buţiu presents the role of parish priests in developing remote rural communities, and she carries out an analysis of parish priests' participation in the „At Home in Europe” project.

Roxana Bartoș highlights in her article the complexity of the social work profession, both in terms of theory and practice. The qualitative study conducted revealed the challenges and ethical dilemmas faced by social workers while performing their job.

The article written by Georgiana Cristina Rentea deals with the access to welfare benefits for EU citizens who live in another state than that of their origin. The author reviews the social rights associated with European citizenship, but she points out that in practice there are differences between the countries in terms of the eligibility criteria or the pressure on the welfare system.

Petru Adrian Pop’s article describes the situation of higher education in Romania emphasizing on the aspect of access in different types of Universities. Also describes the degree of social and academic integration, engagement and self-efficacy aspect of students enrolled in the Social Work program.

The topic of the article signed by Remus Runcan is Facebook addiction and its incidence on the Z Generation. The qualitative study conducted tries to identify the extent to which Facebook addiction affects young people in Timiş county, analyzing their perception of themselves and their friends' perception of this phenomenon.

Elisaveta Drăghici's article presents relevant aspects of the support given to people with disabilities and their family members through services provided within day care centers set up in Brăila, with a particular focus on the role played by these services in socialization and personal development.

Flavia Medruț deals with a topic that is of interest for experts who work directly with adolescents, that is, free time/extracurricular activities as preventers of substance use among young people.

Daniela Romilă and Ana-Maria Roman's article discusses aspects of mentally disabled children's integration into schools and the role of the social worker in providing services for these children within a multidisciplinary team.

In conclusion, the present issue of the Social Work Review includes a series of articles focusing on different target groups of social work: the elderly, children, adolescents, people with disabilities, people with addictions, migrants etc.

The topics of the articles are of interest both for experts who work in the field of social work and for the training of students, and they will surely be starting points for new studies.