
Home > Arhiva > 2023 > Numar: 1 > Community Development and Young People from Sânpetru Mare, Timiş County

 Community Development and Young People from Sânpetru Mare, Timiş County

  • Andreea Sima (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, No. 4th V. Pârvan Boulevard, Timişoara, România, 0743520678, E-mail: andreea.sima00@e-uvt.ro)
  • Cosmin Goian (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, No. 4th V. Pârvan Boulevard, Timişoara, România, E-mail: cosmin.goian@e-uvt.ro)
  • Luiza Vlaicu (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, Blvd. Vasile Pârvan, Nr. 4, Timişoara, România, E-mail: vlaicu.luiza@gmail.com )

Sânpetru Mare is a village in Timiş County with approximately 2,030 inhabitants, according to the 2011 census. The scope of the research is to discover the needs of young people from this rural environment regarding their personal development, to what extent they want to get involved in volunteering activities, but also how willing they would be to initiate community development activities in Sânpetru Mare. A questionnaire was applied to 78 young people aged between 14-35 years, living in Sânpetru Mare. The correlation between the high number of unmet personal development needs and greater volunteer involvement showed no statistically significant influence between the two variables (r = .18).72 people out of the 78 would like to get involved in volunteering activities in the village if there were opportunities. The link between the inclination towards leadership and the desire to initiate activities in one's own community are two variables that do not influence each other (r = .67).

Keywords: community development, young people, volunteering, personal development