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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
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Home > Arhiva > 2014 > Numar: 3 > Causes of Unemployment. Concrete Research on the Population of Unemployed from Bihor County Causes of Unemployment. Concrete Research on the Population of Unemployed from Bihor County
- Delia Bekesi (University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universităţii Street, no.1, 410087, Oradea, Romania. E-mail:
- Lioara Coturbaş (University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universităţii Street, no.1, 410087, Oradea, Romania. E-mail:
- Lavinia Onica-Chipea (University of Oradea, Faculty of Law, General Magheru street no. 26, 410048, 0259/479980, E-mail: )
This paper aims at approaching, in the first part, some theoretical aspects related to unemployment, focusing on its causes and reviewing the main causes of unemployment as reflected in international theories. In the second part of the paper we present the results of a research conducted on a sample of unemployed from Bihor county. One of the objectives of this research was to highlight the causes of unemployment perceived by those who experience this phenomenon. The hypothesis we started from was that the unemployed will tend to project to the outside the cause of their situation, self-blaming for the unemployment status being rarely invoked.
Keywords: unemployment, objective causes, subjective causes, economic crisis, occupation