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Home > Arhiva > 2019 > Numar: 1 > Caracteristici ale procesului de asistenţă socială clinică centrată pe familie: o abordare sistemică

 Caracteristici ale procesului de asistenţă socială clinică centrată pe familie: o abordare sistemică [Features of Family-Centered Clinical Social Work Process: a Systemic Approach]

  • Elena Iulia Mardare (University of Bucharest, Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, 9 Schitu Magureanu Street, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, E-mail:

This article is based on new theorethical and empirical findings of the systemic approach to discuss the problem of psychosocial risk of multi-stressed families. The purpose is to highlight the skills and knowledge required by the clinical social worker counselling these families. Stressful situations in the family may have significant adverse impact on family relations and on the life of each member. When family members are stressed, some of them convey this message to others, adopting different maladaptative behaviors. Intervention at the family level, especially in a multi-stressed family, may be the most effective way to change a family member's behavior and help the family to get stress coping skills. In order to assist the family through the process of developing parenting resources, clinical social worker examines the ability of family members to follow plans and act as planned. Finally, the article describes an approach to identify the extent to which the personal history of the specialist may interfere with his clinical activity, this being associated with the risk of burn-out.

Keywords: clinical social work, systemic approach, family counseling, family stress, burn-out