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Home > Arhiva > 2017 > Numar: 2 > An Exhaustive View on Supervision in Social Work: History, Evolution, Current Trends

 An Exhaustive View on Supervision in Social Work: History, Evolution, Current Trends

  • Virgil Dan (West University of Timişoara, School of Psychology and Sociology, 4 Vasile Pârvan Blvd., 300223 Timişoara, E-mail: )

Supervising professionals in the practice of social work, in particular, and in the professions related to humans in distress, in general, plays a crucial role in the evolution of social workers. Increasing professional effectiveness by understanding the mechanisms involved in the interaction with the human factor brings forth the three main functions of supervision: administrative, educational, and supportive. From this perspective, the professional supervisee looks at his supervisor for leader, counsellor, and evaluator competencies. Though the inter-professional and inter-cultural dimensions of supervision can somehow vary, a pragmatic approach of supervision based on empirical premises provides the professionals working with humans in distress the proper framework for fulfilling the needs of the latter.

Keywords: supervisor, supervision, functions o supervision, ethics of supervision, interdisciplinarity and interculturality in supervision