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Echipa redacţională urează un călduros Bun venit doamnei profesor Lena Dominelli si domnului profesor Malcolm Payne, două personalităţi recunoscute la nivel internaţional în domeniul asistenţei sociale, care au acceptat ca începând cu nr. 1/2010 să facă parte din Advisory Board al Revistei de Asistenţă Socială.
Revista este indexata in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Work Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS si ERIH+

Revista este acreditata B+ de catre CNCSIS

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Articole de: Ioan Mărginean

Nr. 1 / 2004 - Imperious Children Social Services Reorientation, Development and Diversity
The individualized social services are the social work, social welfare that are developed to help people in need. The services are acquired by the beneficiary and it is a process in continuous develop...
Nr. 4 - 5 / 2002 - Researches regarding the Roma minority
The research regarding the ethnic groups in Romania from the first half of the 20th century has included Roma population in a small portion. In the 30s Ion Chelcea, a well known sociologist accompli...
