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The editorial team warmly welcome Mrs. Professor Lena Dominelli, and Mr. Professor Malcolm Payne, two prominent internationally social work personalities who have kindly accepted to be part of our journal’s International Advisory Board starting with issue no. 1/2010.
Review is indexed in ProQuest,EBSCO, Social Works Abstracts, CEEOL,Index Copernicus,SCIPIO,GESIS,IBSS and ERIH+

Review is accredited B+ by CNCSIS

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Articles by: Niculina Karacsony

Nr. 4 / 2023 - Perceperea centrului de plasament ca oportunitate de dezvoltare în cazul copiilor şi al tinerilor aflaţi în situaţii de risc
The study aims to contribute to the understanding of how some beneficiaries of residential care manage to achieve remarkable results despite threats to their own development, threats coming both from...
Nr. 1 / 2010 - Copiii lipsiţi de îngrijirea părinţilor plecaţi la muncă în străinătate: analiza cadrului legislativ [Children without the Care of Parents Working Abroad: Analysis of Legislative Framework]
The European legal framework on the issue of the children not attended by their parents gone to work abroad is very new, and it is mainly comprised of the European Parliament’s Resolution from March...
