Nr. 1 / 2025 - Pledoarie pentru reducerea vulnerabilităților și promovarea rezilienței la vârsta senioratului prin dezvoltarea serviciilor de asistență socială |
The present article is based on the paper presented by the author at the National Conference "Best Practices for a Beautiful Old Age", 7th edition, 2023, organized by The Margareta of Romania Royal Fo...
Nr. 4 / 2024 - Voluntariatul, între percepție și experiență: o descriere sociologică |
The article is built on the basis of a recent empirical study conducted by the authors on both the perception of volunteering and the participation in volunteering of the Romanian public. One of the f...
Nr. 1 / 2011 - Book review: Florin Lazăr Introducere în politici sociale comparate. Analiza sistemelor de asistenţă socială Iaşi: Editura Polirom |
Autorul şi-a propus să prezinte politicile sociale din perspectivă comparativă şi a reuşit în mod magistral acest lucru. Lucrarea este bine structurată, analiza realizată demonstrează faptul...
Nr. 1 / 2011 - Editorial: Asistenţa socială internaţională |
Interdependenţa globală actuală a creat deopotrivă noi arii de responsabilitate şi oportunităţi internaţionale pentru asistenţa socială (Dominelli, 2008). Trăim într-o lume fascinantă şi...
Nr. 1 / 2011 - Editorial: International Social Work |
The current global interdependence has created new areas of responsibility, but also new international opportunities for the social work (Dominelli, 2008). We are living in a world that is both fascin...
Nr. 3 / 2011 - Extreme Vulnerabilities: Qualitative Evaluation of the Programs Targeting Most-at Risk Adolescents (MARA) for HIV Infection |
In Romania social work/outreach programs addressing hard-to-reach groups whose behaviours are criminalised such as female sex workers (FSW) and injecting drug users (IDU) or blamed by the public such ...
Nr. 1 / 2010 - Social Work in the New Millennium: a Global Perspective |
The present study is an invitation to reflection regarding the social work profession in the context of the recent evolutions and changes at the international level. In the first part of the study w...
Nr. 4 / 2010 - Program Evaluation: AIDS Awareness Campaign in 14 Romanian Counties |
We present a summative evaluation of an information program to prevent the HIV/AIDS implemented in Romania by a non-governmental organization between 2006 and 2009. The design and methodology of the p...
Nr. 1 - 2 / 2008 - Situation of HIV-Positive Young People From Romania. An Analysis of the Risk Behaviours |
The present research has tried to establish a diagnosis of the problems faced by the Romanian HIV-positive youth: how they feel after 10-15 years of evolution with the HIV/AIDS, what is their level ...
Nr. 4 / 2006 - Counselling People Affected with Chronic Diseases and Aids |
In addition to involving medical services in assisting people affected by chronic diseases and AIDS, the involvement of the social work services become compulsory, because the consequences are not o...
Nr. 1 - 2 / 2005 - Social Work Services of Abused Children |
At almost 15 years from the communist fall, even though the situation changed in a positive manner, amid most countries from Central and Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia, we meet besides freed...
Nr. 2 / 2004 - Social Work European System Construction |
There is social work system diversity at Europen level that bears the imprint of historical evolution but also of United Nations social-economical development. Beyond these differences there are simil...
Nr. 2 / 2002 - Social Work for Family and Child with HIV/AIDS |
One of the most difficult problematic situations to which social work had to deal with during the transition time was the high number of children affected with HIV virus. Just after 1990, Romania s...