
Home > Arhiva > 2012 > Numar: 1 > Îngrijitoarele de bătrâni din Italia – între normalitate şi tulburare mintală sau „Sindromul Italia”

 Îngrijitoarele de bătrâni din Italia – între normalitate şi tulburare mintală sau „Sindromul Italia” [The Romanian Caregivers in Italy on the Edge of Mental Illness. The „Syndrome of Italy” ]

  • Daniela Sîrghie (University of Petrosani, Faculty of Sciences, Hunedoara County, 20 University Street, 332006, Phone: 0762560218, E-mail: sirghiedana@yahoo.it)

The present work throws light upon a complicated matter: the social and psychological condition of the Romanian women who choose the way of migration for taking care of old persons in order to bring a solution to their financial difficulties. But, which is the tribute of choosing this way?! It seems that the most fragile people will pay with their own mental health. This is what the subjects of the present study call it the Syndrome of Italy.

Keywords: Syndrome, migration, social work, Romanian women, psychological condition