One of the subjects that constantly need a higher importance on European level, but also nationally, is the demographic evolution and its effects. The increase in the percentage of elderly amid the population, also determines an increase of their needs. Also, the types of problems are somehow multiple: poverty, loneliness, disease, depression, abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), addiction, and social exclusion, lack of adapt services. Hence, measures that will lead to the satisfaction of such needs are necessary. This thesis is based on research dates collected at the Caring and Assistance Center in Cluj-Napoca. Its purpose is to identify the beneficiaries’ needs, in order to assure the best quality of life. With the unstructured interview methods and participated observation, there have been obtained relevant opinions regarding the modus of thinking of the hospitalized elderly and the ideas to improve activities in the center. The fact that the institution where the research has been done is representative in its field, and that I currently do my activity here, this results in a better identification and understanding of the problems of the category under research.
Keywords: elderly, needs, ongoing activities, institutionalization